That is what my yoga teacher said this morning during class:
“This is your moment. Wait, every moment is yours. Awesome.”
Simple, yet powerful. Don’t we all live such lucky, wonderful lives?
Since I haven’t worked this week or last, I have had time to do things like get coffee with an old boss, exercise every day, work on the blog a little more, look for jobs of course, catch up on my inbox (and Mary’s, too!), edit friends papers, get coffee with friends, and appreciate this sky we live under just a little more:
Here’s a list of 5gts, Thursday style:
1) Had an interview today.
2) Fell off my chair during the interview (standing up to shake someone’s hand.) Luckily, we were able to laugh it off (and at least they’ll remember me!)
3) Jukebox the Ghost + Josh Ritter concerts both coming up in the next few weeks.
4) My mom and dad are coming to visit LA for the first time – and I can hardly wait.
5) Sunshiny days that have been gracing Los Angeles this past week (and mostly always.)
I hope that wherever you are, you have blue sky, too, friends.