This morning, I got up early to help Corelyn get motivated. 6:10 rolled around, and my iPhone started playing Finlay MacDonald (imagine bagpipes at 6:11 am) and I begrudgingly got out of bed. I texted Cor, and proceeded to get the following things done:
– made coffee
-put dishes away
-cleaned the drying rack (does your drying rack ever get just gross? mine does…)
-cleaned dishes from last night’s dinner
-googled how to sanitize my sponge
-sanitized my sponge in the micro (only use of the micro I actually approve of)
-chatted with Corelyn for a few minutes about our evening plans
-wiped down the counters
-prepared/drank an Airborne
-sewed a hole in my sweater (because once I had it on I refused to take it off)
-put a run in my tights (which I then discreetly hid by rotating said run in)
-checked the weather, discovered ran is on its way
-made oatmeal
-packed breakfast/snacks/lunch
-packed gym clothes
-left 15 minutes early, arriving at work early, coffee FOR ONCE in hand.
Maybe I should get up an hour earlier EVERY day…
Yes, you should, because maybe then I’ll actually get to work on time like I did today! Thank you!!!