get over your hill and see what you find there

Well chickens, it’s Day One of my brief unemployment before heading to my new job. I have big plans, as I always do, for these two days. They generally include not doing anything I don’t want to do. Up today was: running, heading to the Central Library for a book and a tour (by way of Metro), cleaning out my closet, reading, catching up on my shows, and dinner with my lovely ladies I had the pleasure of studying abroad with!

Tomorrow I plan on getting a new clock for the kitchen and new oven mitts, and once again a relaxing afternoon of reading. I know, folks, I live quite the life!

Happy (Almost) Friday, everyone!

i’m hanging on the memories i need most.

Today marks the last of my fifteen months at my current job. I don’t often talk about where I work on my blog,  but I wanted to write this as a memory of how I was feeling at this ending/new beginning.

I am headed to work on a food website, where I’ll get to write and create content around healthy eating. I am ecstatic, because four years after graduating from college, I will finally be getting paid and be truly doing something I am interested in.

But, as with all endings, I am going to miss my current job, coworkers, environment, company. I will miss the teams I’ve worked for and with, I will miss PR jargon and afternoon coffee runs and PowerPoint presentations. I will miss chatting by the coffee machines about the company softball team, putting on social events for my coworkers, and working to make a change through volunteering our time and goods.

I’ll miss free Corner Bakery cookies because I order through them regularly, and I’ll miss the smiles on people’s faces when I help them fix a presentation, find an office item they’ve been looking for, or simply reschedule a meeting.

I’ll miss all of my people; stories about children and the hilarious things they say at dinner; talks of long distance relationships and time zone hardships; lunches at the trucks while the sun beats down on us; meetings to plan happy hours that involve glitter; red carpet nights, volunteering to be a celebrity escort; chatting about music and recipes and the lastest meme; endless laughs over cube walls, over politics and clients and overheard phone conversations…the list goes on and on.

I look back on how I felt when I left Liz, and my family in Pasadena, and remember that I still see her, and occasionally my old coworkers. I remember the excitement of coming to this job, and I feel it now for the next. I am excited for my future, but I will never, ever, forget these fifteen wonderful months that have graced my career. I will always find a friendly face and a hug at my current job, and I will always know, wherever I go, I have someone watching my back.

Thank you, lovely, lovely people. I will be seeing you real soon.



“We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines.”

I love my President. I love fact checking. I love Obamacare. Last night’s debate was a bit boring, but that zinger was great, and I think this makes it 2-1 BO. I am sitting at the edge of my seat these next two weeks, and will probably hop up on my soap box a few more times, so stick with me, if you can.

5 things: late october

1. Fall is finally cooling down (although now that I say that, I bet it’ll get to be 90 again…)

2. This is my mug until November 6 (and for the next four years.)

3. Early Halloween Costumes.

4. Weekend adventuring, fabric stores, new plates for GMS, my first trip to the Getty Villa, birthday parties and early Halloween parties, soccer practice in the rain, dying hair, beers and  pink lipstick and binoculars and SNL and the promise of a lovely week ahead.

5. This mash-up from Pitch Perfect.

Aren’t we all from somewhere else?

I’ve kept quiet this election cycle much more than I did in 2008. I suspect this is because I have been busy in my personal life, in my blogging life over at GMS, and in my work life. But I have to take a moment to talk about last night’s debate, because these issues affect everyone.

I am voting for Barack Obama, and I am guessing this is no surprise to any of you. But I am not merely supporting the President for re-election because I support him fiercely (which I do) but because I am afraid of what a world would look like if Romney wins.

When this election cycle started, no one knew that it was going to be the election that was about not rolling back women’s rights, but that’s what it’s become. Romney and Ryan’s plans to limit my access to contraceptives, abortion (should I God forbid ever need it,) and general family planning is horrifying, and unacceptable.

In addition, I believe that we should take assault weapons off the streets. And the fact that Romney made a question about gun control about making sure that families have two parents (married, off course, a subtle nod that gay parents won’t cut it) was horrific. Or is there a study I missed pointing to single parents as the parents of most murders?

If I hear Romney refer to middle class as “middle-income” one more, I swear, I’m going to lose it. Because, in case you didn’t hear it, Romney defines middle-income as people who are making $250,000 a year – not actually the middle class OR middle-income in this country (which is, in fact, $50,000.)

And, by the way, they are illegal immigrants, not “illegals.” 

My sorella wrote a lot about this today, so I’ll let her post speak to more points that asserted my belief in Barack. I believe in everything she said, luckily, and she beat me to the punch today, plus you guys probably read her blog, too, right?