what you give in yoga, you get back in life.

I’ve gone to yoga twice this week, chicken, trying to use up my classes that expire in a month.

And, of course, right on queue, I got sick, too, because of course I did. I’ve been sick three times this month, and I finally scheduled an appointment at an ENT because if I get sick one more time my boss is going to walk me to the ENT herself, because as she says, no one should get sick as much as you do.

If you’ve known me for any amount of time, you’d know that I’ve always gotten sick a lot, and I’ve always just accepted it as fact. But in the past couple of years, I’ve realized there are some things I can do differently when I am sick, like do more yoga (with twists!) and take some homeopathic remedies (garlic, lemon in tea, oregano oil, and cumin oil are just a few of my tricks, plus zinc.)

So when I started to feel sick this week, I headed for the yoga studio the first chance I got. And not just any class, either, but a level 2-3 yoga flow class. Over twenty vinyasas later, I was sweating so much I couldn’t see, pushing ever so slightly to get deeper in the twist, deeper into my muscles, deeper into the toxins to get them out, out, out.

I’ve learned over the past few years that when I feel a cold coming on, exercise helps me heal faster and in the moment feels like the right thing to be doing. Whether it’s a flow class, or a walk, or a run, I always feel better after moving my body, helping it along to heal. And of course, drinking all the water.

The title of this post is something a yoga teacher said to us once when we were in a twist that I thought was going to end me. As I shook and sweat and willed myself to stay in the pose, breathing deeply, he said, “what you give in yoga, you get back in life.”

What a way to live, chicks. Have a happy, healthy Wednesday. Namaste.

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