Hi chickens!!! I am back, and I am sorry I have been gone for so long. The flu is no fun, but I feel mostly over it now, although I keep getting tired, but we’ll see how that goes. Today was a holiday at my school, so I have one more day of rest before I have to go back to work tomorrow. And what did I spend that non-sick day off doing, you ask?
10:24 – Woke up, after snoozing the alarm a few times, because I knew that if I didn’t get up soon I wouldn’t be tired by 10, and if I wasn’t tired by 10 I wouldn’t get the right amount of sleep tonight before I go back to work tomorrow. It was hard to get up because I was tired, warm, and having a strange dream, but I did it.
10:30-11 – Ate a bowl of Kix cereal and watched the Barefoot Contessa make lunch for the Historical Society.
11 – Put the bowl in the sink, kicked on the tunes, and cleaned my room, my closet, and hung up all my clothes. Swept the bedroom floor.
12 – Swept under the couches after realizing that I still couldn’t find my camera, and no, it was not in the couch OR under the couch but you know what WAS under the couch HAIR HAIR HAIR so I cleaned in.
12:15 – Found the camera. It was in my backpack all along. Which I had already checked. Twice. Took all the clothes out of the bathroom that were drying over the bathtub side and hung those too. Took 2 of Jeff’s hangers in the process. Shhh! Don’t tell him.
12:26 – Sat down on the couch, disgusted with my house. Got up and swept the living room, hallway, cleaned off the broom, and went through the papers on the hallway bookshelf.
1:10 – Got an email from Jeff saying he was about to go on lunch, and would I like it if he came home for lunch?
1:15 – Updated facebook with the freshly uploaded pictures that were on my camera.
1:20 – Into the shower, after ordering lunch from Village.
1:45 – Dressed, clean, on the couch, reading NYTimes, CNN, and LATimes.
2:00 – Jeff’s home! Lunch time.
2:45 – Jeff’s gone. Dishes from last night’s dinner.
3:00 – Pester Corelyn to come home! already, so we can watch Everwood. Clean off coffee table.
3:30 – Light some candles. Put on some tunes. Read Real Simple September and October. Smile.
3:40 – Reset the time on the coffee maker, and set some decaf to brew at 4:10, hopefully around Corelyn’s arrival home.
4:00 – Write this blog entry, help a friend pick out shoes, and listen to Carbon Leaf.
4:23 – Check Carbon Leaf’s website. Realize they have a new CD. Get excited.
So there you have it, friends. My day off. Now, I’m just waiting for Corelyn to get here, already!!