This morning I needed coffee badly.
Today has been non stop(party hopping…)
Tonight Jeff and I are going to look online for apartments. I am so excited.
I can type again with my broken finger.
I just ate a kiwifruit. It was delicious.
I always forget that food gets spicier when it sits, which means leftovers are hotter.
This weekend I am going to return to yoga.
I am going to run a 5k in November.
Nikki gets married in basically five minutes.
I have an appointment for alterations for my dress for next weekend.
It’s only supposed to be 75 on Sunday. Walking to the farmer’s market? Yes please.
I am wearing a new shirt I got from a friend from a friend. It’s black. It has ruffles. Makes me feel girly, but not too girly, because it’s black.
I love calendars.