baby you’re the only light i ever saw

Can I tell you something that I’ve been excited about but haven’t been able to quantify just yet?

You guys, Corelyn is moving back to Los Angeles. Tomorrow.

I know, I know, I haven’t been bursting with joy, putting it all over this blog and GMS and blowing up Facebook, because it hasn’t felt real.

But on Friday night, as I double boiled chocolate at 12:36 am, it all came back: Corelyn is moving here. Now. Tomorrow.

So, about a year and a half ago, I left this pretty face in an airport in Tennessee, trying not to be dramatic and cry. I saw her again in November for our favorite holiday, and once this past spring in VA. And soon, again, I will get to see this pretty face all of the time.

I cannot wait for more smiles like this one, more hiking and frolicking and eating and sunny sunny days. It reminds me of that time a Ms. Megan left and returned. Because LA draws ’em back. Back to the sunshine, the family, the light, the surf, and the mountains.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t so excited I could jump up and down for an hour and still not stop. I can’t wait until we spend afternoons at the farmer’s market, cooking delicious food, watching television, talking about nothing, walking the city streets, drinking copious amounts of coffee, and just generally being Jennie + Corelyn and the world. Sound like a sappy love story? Well, it mostly is.

Welcome Back, missy. We’ve missed you.