Well folks, the day is here. I heard NPR talking about President Obama this morning, and how democrats aren’t running out to vote for the President, that we’re more reserved, slower, sluggish.
This one is. I headed to the polls, proud to call President Obama my man. I think that he is the right President for the next four years.
My sister wrote a lovely post this morning that describes some of the reasons that we believe in the President. I look back at a friend of mine who was cast as a “pre-existing condition” a few years ago, and how hard it was for her to get on her feet because she was laid off. Because she was out of work, she had a hard time getting healthcare. How is that something that is logical?
I believe gun laws need to change. I believe that anyone should be able to marry who they love. I believe that if I have no religion I should allowed to have my beliefs in peace.
I know global warming is real. I know that the attack on everyday Americans for believing what they believe is real. I know that I deserve to be paid as much as any man to do the work I do. I know I deserve healthcare, no matter what. I know that the middle class needs help.
I know that I am outspoken, and that I talk about politics a lot. Because politics is everything. Politics is my friends’ right to marry, my sister’s right to healthcare, my right to be paid the same as a man, knowing the government has my back if a natural disaster hits. Politics is my access to reproductive rights, kids’ access to good education.
Friends: we are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Today, let’s change the world and show everyone that America knows the right man for the job: President Obama.
Go vote.