let your bones crumble.

Happy official Christmas season, everyone! We’ve trimmed our tree, made holiday cookies, put the duvet on the bed, and are watching the temperatures drop around here as we dive into December.


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with all of our Los Angeles family, surrounded by delicious food, people, conversation, and of course, learning cups from Pitch Perfect. Now, it’s back to the grind for a few weeks before a trip back to Chicago to see the family.

Before I head back to the midwest, I’ve decided to do 25 days of yoga, off of Jeff’s idea to do 25 days of running. I think this’ll help me get back into the swing of things after the crazy that was this past long weekend – crazy eating, crazy working on the blog, crazy decorating for the holiday! I started off tonight with a “Progressing to Headstand” class and even had Jeff help me out during partner-work, since our wall space is limited.

Are you guys doing anything to stave off holiday weight-gain/general tiredness now that there are holiday cookies about and the sun is going down so early?