5 Good Things.

It’s Thursday, and the weekend is on it’s way.

5 Good Things:

1. The sun is shining

2. I get to go to a bead shop after work today

3. This weekend holds HSM 1, 2, 3, a soccer game, and some shopping

4. I got stamps yesterday. I love sending mail.

5. This photograph. In the middle, there is a man with a wicked mohawk. But I couldn’t get the camera out in time.


Five Good Things: Thursday edition.

Hi guys,

Nothing particular is happening today that is very exciting, so here are some good things:

1. Tonight is Bec’s photo shoot (70s style) which means I get to dress nice, throw some make up on, and model real pretty with some of my girls.

2.  I am listening to a new station on Pandora called “Ready to be: me.” It is mostly Sara Bareilles, and it is wonderful.

3.  I just got an email back from a man who said he could use volunteers for a new soccer program starting in the area for 4-10 year olds from April to June. To which I said, “Sign me up.”

4.  I have been looking for free lance writing jobs, and applied to some today, which is making me feel accomplished.

5. I am beginning to plan a Passover Seder and Easter Dinner party for my Jewish and Christian and non-religious friends to celebrate spring, and I am very excited.


This weekend I got a button that says, “H?w Hard Can it Be?” And I love it.


This is an airplane that my sister and I saw fly overhead at Dockweiler. Afterwards, she said, “So, um, is this beach perhaps by LAX?” Then she understood why people go to this beach only because you can have bonfires there.

My sister was here this weekend, which was amazingly fun. We did lots of excellent things, including buying buttons about peace, seeing the Chinese Theater, the Hollywood sign, Malibu, Santa Monica, and Dockweiler. We also ate: hot dogs, s’mores, Pinkberry, In-n-Out, Diddy Reese’s, and much more that was terrible for us.

It was an excellent time.

5 things I love about my sister:

1. She is low key. We can rock climb, or walk to the Stars in Hollywood, or watch HGTV. Whatever.
2. She can eat Diddy Reese’s after consuming four different appetizers. And not make me or herself feel bad about it.
3. She has mastered how to make a s’more in the micro.
4. She cooks excellent eggs, but cannot flip them.
5. She is hysterical, and apparently sounds just like me so sometimes I can take the credit.

My friend B’s friend K is here for the weekend. And multiple times, she said, “Man, I wish I had a sister.”

Well, I do. And she’s awesome. Man, I just wish my sister and I were neighbors.

How do you like your siblings, everyone?

5 Good Things.


Everyone has bad days. Days they wish they were on the beach in a fabulous hat with a friend to tell their woes to. Sometimes these are Mondays. Sometimes not. Today is a Monday. And a tired day. Not a terrible day, just a tired day.

When I have bad days, my friend K always makes me tell her 5 good things. She’s not here, she’s being a snow bunny somewhere and drinking cocoa. So I am here to tell you the 5 good things, to make myself realize that tired days can be good days, too.

1. I can see blue sky out of my office window, which means the weather is finally clearing up.

2. I have friends in town, who I love, and they are amazing and wonderful and I am so glad I get to see them.

3. It is almost March. Which is almost Spring. Which is wonderful.

4. Jeff is finally feeling better after having a pinched nerve for a few days. We can now both rest easy.

5. I have a job, and a house, and a steady source of income, and a partner. That’s almost five in itself.