Sunny Five Good Things.

1. It’s nearly Friday.

2. Last night I biked 1.5 miles more than I had Monday night, up to 11 miles, in the same amount of time (thirty minutes.) (And I biked to the gym, which seems a little silly, but I did — so that’s another mile!)

3. Tomorrow is my coworker/friend Liz’s birthday. Which means we will be doing a little less work, and a little more play, and means there will be treats.

4. This weekend holds: shopping with Corelyn, reading the book club book, soccer, baking, cooking, sunshine, and love.

5. I got three pairs of new shoes for $11 (after trading in some other shoes.)  Two of those pairs are for weddings, and are fancy.

How are all of you, chicks? Staying busy, like me? Expect some epic posts this weekend about baking/cooking and maybe about life, too!

Monday morning: 5 Good Things

1. Soccer began again this weekend. Translation: hanging out with 4-10 year olds, Saturday morning, learning the basics of soccer. Referring, coaching, learning, stretching, loving.

2. Guys, Sam Summer is back in action, and here to stay until August.

3. Pizza night last night. Pictures to come. Including: Jennie lays  her own dough, and slides pizza into and out of oven. Success.

4. New planner. New space for planning. Planning for new things.

5. Farmer’s market: basil and rosemary plants. I cannot wait for May.

Bonus: 3 more PW recipes made. More to come.

Friday: Five Good Things.

1. That picture. And Kirsten being a new mom, and soon!

2. It is Friday, and tomorrow I am going for a day hike with lovely ladies who are just as excited as I am to frolic in the desert.

3. The sun is shining, Sunday holds the promise of a brunch in a garden, and I feel fine.

4. May Real Simple is here. I plan to spend some time reading it cover to cover in the very near future.

5. No-eating-out-challenge. I self-imposed a Jeff/Jennie challenge of No Eating Out (at the very least for dinner) for 2 weeks. It is day 3. We’ll see how that goes. The idea behind it is this: Jeff and I tend to eat out, and eating out costs a lot of money. It’s weird that in a restaurant, you’ll spend $8 or $12 on a salad, but in the grocery store, I have Catholic guilt if I spend $3 on berries. On BERRIES, people. Why is it that I will spend on whatever when it’s probably LESS healthy for me, but I can’t splurge on those things that make me feel better? I aim to find out just how much I will gain from not eating out. (Or maybe, how much I will lose.) This will also help us with our “Low-sodium” diet, which has been brought on by Jeff’s potential for high blood pressure.

Who’s with us? Can you do the 2-week challenge?

Five Good Things.

1. This photo of the watering hole in El Portal, from WFR training.

2. It’s Friday, and sunny, and warm.

3. Basketball finals tomorrow. My babies are so excited, I could cry. They’ve beat a team they never had, and we’ve beat both of the other teams….victory?

4. Taxes will be done after this weekend, and while I am not looking forward to the doing, and I am looking forward to the done.

5. Work is finally, finally, finally calming down. And an adventure next weekend with Lauren. And a cruise in 2.

Happy Friday, Happy Spring, chickas. Love you all.