Camp Waterloo Day 2

I’ve been home since Monday now, and today was my second full day. I spent some time this morning hanging the Christmas cards around the kitchen arch. Then, we straightened the house, my mom made a cheesecake, and my dad and I fixed the stove in the kitchen so it’d stop smoking up the walls. I started a blog for the Christmas adventure. I had hot dogs for lunch, which I love, and then proceeded to make chocolate chip cookies for the household. Nikki arrives home in a few hours, so at around seven I will begin making Brussel sprouts and sandwich steaks for dinner.

Meanwhile, Mom and I are going to have tea and then play bananagrams, until she and Dad have to go to the holiday party.

It’s been a good 2 days.

Home to Camp Waterloo.

Today I arrived at the airport clad in my Earth boots, a sweater, jacket, and a hat. I was ready to take Michigan on. It was 7:00 am, and my flight was at 5:30 pm. I was attempting to get on an earlier flight. I knew there were a few throughout the day, and I headed to standby for a flight at 8:55 am. Luckily for me, because I got to the airport so early (Jeff had a flight at 7 am) I was the first person on the standby list, and made it on the flight at 8:55 which meant I was home to MI by 4:40. Now I am sitting at home, in front of the heat shield, listening to football and uploading my “2009” photo album to facebook. Jeff is saftely back in NH, and I am snuggled up with a blanket and a heater.

There is snow on the ground here, Bananagrams on the table, and neverending tea and red wine. Here’s to the beginning of a good break. I will get to see lots of friends I have not seen in a while, and some friends that I have seen lately, all who I miss more and and see less and less. Nikki and Jon arrive home Wednesday, and then the party will pick up. For now I will enjoy being home in my living room, listening to football and Star snoring, and be happy.

Tree Trimming

This is my tree. Say hello!

We have blue and white lights. They worked for the second year in a row. It’s a Christmas Miracle!

Rebecca and I string the cranberries I got this year, to replace my one-man-show of stringing popcorn for the whole tree.

Jeffrey places the star on the tree.

Ahhh. Merry Christmas!

Halloween: Arts, crafts, and goddesses


Every now and then…or every year…I like to dress up for Halloween. Last year, if you don’t remember, I was Sarah Palin, which was successful because Jeff was Joe Biden.






This year Corelyn and I put our thinking caps on, and decided to be goddesses. We were going to different parties, so we didn’t have to worry about being the same thing, but just in case we chose different goddesses. I was Aphrodite, and she Athena.

We hit Michael’s and Joann’s to get the crafts, and spent the better part of the afternoon and evening getting ourselves ready. It was one part prom, one part college party, and I loved every minute of it.




After having Becca ringlet both our heads, do both our makeup, and spending some time safety pinning gold to our dresses, we were ready.



