World Blood Donor Day

Hey y’all. As you might know from this post I did on my sister’s blog, here, about the Red Cross and donating blood, but I wanted to bring it up here because today is World Blood Donor Day, and because I know all of you care about making a difference! I hope that some of you can join me when I am eligible to give again in August, or between now and then if you want a companion! Here’s some info about what exactly happens with a blood donation!

this love is a taco truck.

Hey y’all! Today’s my birthday, so I am sitting over here quietly turning 27 years old and learning how to be an adult.

Here are 5gts for this day of fun!!

1. Here is a lovely music video and jam, that you should watch immediately. This is my summer jam.

2. This is NPR’s food news blog. You should read it – it’s full of information on our food system and what we can do better – plus there are quirky stories that introduce you to things you might have never thought of!

3. This is my friend Traci’s blog. It’s fun and funny and a delight, and I think that you should all follow it so your days are bright and happy.

4. This picture last night that Ellen snapped.


5. This oldie but goodie of a little boy and his dog. Enjoy!

I hope you all have a lovely Sunday!!


what to believe in, exactly.

“Be still, and the world is bound to turn herself inside out to entertain you. Everywhere you look, joyful noise is clanging to drown out quiet desperation. The choice is draw the blinds and shut it all out, or believe.

What to believe in, exactly, may never turn out to be half as important as the daring act of belief. A willingness to participate in sunlight, and the color red. An agreement to enter into a conspiracy with life in order to come away changed.”
— Barbara Kingsolver, “Reprise”

I would never, ever let you go

This past weekend I headed to the great state of Michigan to see another one of my besties married off. Brittany and I have been friends since we were 13, when I befriended her in hopes of getting one of her friends to date me (which totally worked.) Needless to say, that didn’t last, but our friendship persevered over the years through soccer teams, and classes that kicked our butts, and then through college 800 miles apart, and now living our lives wholly 2,000 miles door to door.

Every time I see her, she makes me giggle, smile, and usually cry because I am just so freaking happy to see her. I am so glad I made it to her big day, where I got to watch her marry her bff (besides me, of course ;)) and also catch up with friends from HS who I don’t get to see too often (my parents have since moved from my HS town, plus everyone is scattered like Hansel and Gretel’s breadcrumbs across this great nation.)

Britty, Brother Llama, I love you. I am so happy for you and Allen!

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Thanks to Jeff for the photos (and more here.)

i was giving you everything i have to give.

Happy Thursday, kiddos. We’ve made it over the hump, and we’ll be rewarded by Friday tomorrow followed by a lovely weekend ahead.

This week is the second week I’ve been at my new job, and my first full week there, and I am loving it. Besides my coworkers being general delights, they like my baking (thank God) and I’ve already been gifted some lemons for the taking (seriously, our lemon gentleman dropped ’em off in the marketing area and said take as many as you want…which obviously meant I took an entire bag).

I think I am going to love this job, with its fruity perks, it’s “farmer’s hours” (I work 7:30 to 4:15) and everyone’s sunny dispositions. Did I mention there is a TJs right across the street? And that I already have a friend there from a previous job? And that my coworkers have already picked up on the fact that I love penguins? And that I love yoga? And didn’t laugh when I blew up my exercise ball to keep under my desk?

These are good people, folks. I hope you have the same lovely luck I do. Sending you sunshine from my lovely state.