
Here’s the second half of what I’ve been working on in the garden. For Christmas, SS got me some seed bombs to plant with – they are dill, chives, and basil!

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My friend SJ also had sent me a thank you card with wildflowers inclosed – so I planted those, too! Plus, Melissa had given me some basil seeds. What a lucky woman I am, to have such wonderful friends.


I had fresh eggs (thanks Ana!) and I wanted to make sure that the seeds got the proper nutrients, so I looked online and it turns out you can grow seeds in egg shells – so I did just that!

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This was about three weeks ago, when they were all still seeds. Then, slowly…they started to sprout over the last week!

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I know have tons of sprouts growing up – dill and basil and wildflowers, oh my! I’ll keep you in the loop as I repot these and they get even bigger!

Growing, growing, growing.

I can’t believe I didn’t post pictures from September of the plants, but alas, I did not. And now, the spring season is here and my herbs are planted and I have updates for that, too.

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And now, in March:

This was Merv when I first planted him, back in June of 2012.


Here was Merv in the beginning of March – look how far he’s grown…except I need him to grow wide, not tall. No matter, we can fix that!DSC_0896

We just have to do a little surgery on him…


Snip, snip! Now Merv is TWO plants!


It took him a couple weeks, but he’s starting to grow back now!


And, his top half has rooted…this is Sally. She needs a name plate, coming soon. I don’t know why Merv became Sally, he just did. I just write down the names I feel in my heart.

So this is my aloe plant, which started as a small baby plant wayyyyy back years ago as a window plant.

Just to show you, this is the aloe last year in March. Also, please note the flowers to the right – there are pink, and white, and some yellow.


Look at these beasts now – out of control! The pink and the white have totally overtaken the yellow, and the white have actually started to turn pink.

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But at least the yellow is finally sprouting, despite the bullies surrounding it.

Anyways, back to aloe.


So this is the aloe now – overgrown, sad, and it has recently started stabbing the UPS man. Seriously, I think he cut himself once. I felt horrible, and knew that it was time to put it apart…I didn’t know exactly what to do, so I of course Googled it, and researched how to fillet the aloe so I can store it.

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Step one: Remove from the aloe plant with a knife. YOU GUYS ALOE PLANTS ARE SMELLLYYY AND THEY EMIT YELLOW SAP. Don’t be alarmed, like I was, sappy and Googling “yellow slime + aloe.”

Step two: Cut the spiky sides off, and the tip w/ the sap on it.

Step three: Slice horizontally off the top green part. Then do the same for the bottom. Try to do it so the curved side is down the first time (you’ll understand when you see it.) (If you ever actually do this.)

Step four: You have aloe! Hurray! It’s slippery, isn’t it? I put mine in the freezer for burns I will inevitably suffer someday in the kitchen.

Up later…seed bombs and herbs!

live life at the bottom of the sea.

Mom and Dad came to visit. We toured LA as tourists and as seasoned vets of the city; we wine tasted, hiked, saw the Hollywood sign, sat by the pool, drank jalapeno cocktails, went to the ocean, walked the Santa Monica Pier, smiled in front of the Rose Bowl, played soccer, and laughed, laughed, laughed. My parents are the coolest.









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Thanks to Jeff for snapping so many great photos! There are more here. I can’t wait for them to come back! Thanks Mom and Dad, for such a lovely trip!


recedes in the nights of good-bye

Today, I am saddened to inform you, our beloved Dark Star Garcia passed away. Star was our dog from when we lived on 4 Clover Road, who moved with us from Connecticut to Michigan to Chicago. She was my best friend for a while, sleeping in my bed every night, following me around the house.


We loved our Star, who was so small that she made Bailey, our golden retriever, think she was a lap dog too (which she most certainly is not.)

Star was the Queen of the Pets, and everybody knew it. She looked a lot like a little Ewok, and though she was sort of ugly, we thought she was adorable just the same.

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Even Lauren, who mostly hates dogs, loved Star! And who can blame her – look how cute she is!

DSCF4739Star, you lived a long, wonderful life, and we’ll miss your little face. Hope that doggy heaven is all it’s cracked up to be, and that Josh and Iko are hanging around, too.

every moment is yours.

That is what my yoga teacher said this morning during class:

“This is your moment. Wait, every moment is yours. Awesome.”

Simple, yet powerful. Don’t we all live such lucky, wonderful lives?

Since I haven’t worked this week or last, I have had time to do things like get coffee with an old boss, exercise every day, work on the blog a little more, look for jobs of course, catch up on my inbox (and Mary’s, too!), edit friends papers, get coffee with friends, and appreciate this sky we live under just a little more:

sunrise sunset skyHere’s a list of 5gts, Thursday style:

1) Had an interview today.

2) Fell off my chair during the interview (standing up to shake someone’s hand.) Luckily, we were able to laugh it off (and at least they’ll remember me!)

3) Jukebox the Ghost + Josh Ritter concerts both coming up in the next few weeks.

4) My mom and dad are coming to visit LA for the first time – and I can hardly wait.

5) Sunshiny days that have been gracing Los Angeles this past week (and mostly always.)

I hope that wherever you are, you have blue sky, too, friends.