from sea to shining sea, yes, we can.

Well folks, the day is here. I heard NPR talking about President Obama this morning, and how democrats aren’t running out to vote for the President, that we’re more reserved, slower, sluggish.

This one is. I headed to the polls, proud to call President Obama my man. I think that he is the right President for the next four years.

My sister wrote a lovely post this morning that describes some of the reasons that we believe in the President. I look back at a friend of mine who was cast as a “pre-existing condition” a few years ago, and how hard it was for her to get on her feet because she was laid off. Because she was out of work, she had a hard time getting healthcare. How is that something that is logical?

I believe gun laws need to change. I believe that anyone should be able to marry who they love. I believe that if I have no religion I should allowed to have my beliefs in peace.

I know global warming is real. I know that the attack on everyday Americans for believing what they believe is real. I know that I deserve to be paid as much as any man to do the work I do. I know I deserve healthcare, no matter what. I know that the middle class needs help.

I know that I am outspoken, and that I talk about politics a lot. Because politics is everything. Politics is my friends’ right to marry, my sister’s right to healthcare, my right to be paid the same as a man, knowing the government has my back if a natural disaster hits. Politics is my access to reproductive rights, kids’ access to good education.

Friends: we are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Today, let’s change the world and show everyone that America knows the right man for the job: President Obama.

Go vote.

“no wait, I need a regular cup.”

This is what I said to the nice barista at Starbucks tonight when he attempted to put my latte into a red cup. Becca had texted me earlier, to tell me.

I saw a red Starbucks cup already today. Ugh!

We went anyways, knowing what it meant. Paul assured me they’d give me a white cup if I asked. So when the barista reached to double cup my latte, I shouted “NO.” He looked at me like I was crazy, and said, “Please, do not…I need a white cup. Please do not give me a red cup.” He obliged, but Jeff wasn’t so…crazy…so he got a red cup. They’re not even cute this year. The barista said, “Yea, this is a little early this year.” I didn’t have the heart to tell him this is the second year in a row they’ve come out on November 1.

I look forward to seeing a red cup after Thanksgiving. For now, I think it’s best to avoid Starbucks.

10/26/2012 – #600

Hey y’all. A notable milestone has arisen, and so I wanted to bring it to your attention. This is my 600th blog post to Providential Life. In the past four years, I have shared with you 600 times. So thanks for sticking with me.

Today was as busy as yesterday, albeit with less Instagramming. I headed to Glendale to return a pizza stone, and ended up with oven mitts and Michelle Obama’s American Grown. Then I headed to Old Navy and got a LBD and some workout clothes, followed by Target for a new clock, soap dispenser, notebooks for my new job, and polka dotted CD holder (not actually what it was made for, but what I will use it for.)

After an active morning, I headed home (after lunch with Jeff) and settled in to catch up on Law & Order: SVU, update the scrapbook my girlfriends and I pass around (I know, ladies, be proud!) and generally lounged until Jeff and Corelyn showed up.

After that, there was an impromptu pizza night with Megan, Paul, Ryan,  Jeff, and Cor and I. Then, of course, Cor and I made a blue ombre cake for our photo shoot with Mary tomorrow (get excited!) and cut veggies for said photo shoot while Megan hung out and the boys played Mario. Which is how any night should be, if you ask me.

Happy Friday – here’s to the weekend!

political thoughts for a friday

This sums up beautifully something I agree with, and so I wanted to pass it along to all of you.

I wish my moderate Republican friends would simply be honest. They all say they’re voting for Romney because of his economic policies (tenuous and ill-formed as they are), and that they disagree with him on gay rights. Fine. Then look me in the eye, speak with a level clear voice, and say,” My taxes and take-home pay mean more than your fundamental civil rights, the sanctity of your marriage, your right to visit an ailing spouse in the hospital, your dignity as a citizen of this country, your healthcare, your right to inherit, the mental welfare and emotional well-being of your youth, and your very personhood.” It’s like voting for George Wallace during the Civil Rights movements, and apologizing for his racism. You’re still complicit. You’re still perpetuating anti-gay legislation and cultural homophobia. You don’t get to walk away clean, because you say you “disagree” with your candidate on these issues.

Doug Wright