I would never, ever let you go

This past weekend I headed to the great state of Michigan to see another one of my besties married off. Brittany and I have been friends since we were 13, when I befriended her in hopes of getting one of her friends to date me (which totally worked.) Needless to say, that didn’t last, but our friendship persevered over the years through soccer teams, and classes that kicked our butts, and then through college 800 miles apart, and now living our lives wholly 2,000 miles door to door.

Every time I see her, she makes me giggle, smile, and usually cry because I am just so freaking happy to see her. I am so glad I made it to her big day, where I got to watch her marry her bff (besides me, of course ;)) and also catch up with friends from HS who I don’t get to see too often (my parents have since moved from my HS town, plus everyone is scattered like Hansel and Gretel’s breadcrumbs across this great nation.)

Britty, Brother Llama, I love you. I am so happy for you and Allen!

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Thanks to Jeff for the photos (and more here.)