3 o’clock. hot. hot hot. sunglasses. so hot you can’t stand in the sun. tampon tent, lily pad. friends, family. picking up where you left off. hugs all around. moist towel, rewetting. water, popcorn, pistachios, snacks. laughing so hard i might pee, corey breen where have you been all my life? collectively not drinking. hot. so many woman, and my father. family. 4 o’clock. rushing past everyone to get the shade, because my dad is a stand up guy. someone buying me a hot dog, because again i’m eleven. water, water, water, and water. 5 o’clock. kate nash, you are peculiar. but i love foundations. 6 o’clock, hey sistas, your project is my new favorite thing. i will always remember Coast is about Texas. going to the men’s bathroom, because it’s Lilith. 7 o’clock, and Heart, oh baby, you’ve stole mine. Nikki, we’re definitely behind on this sister-traveling-act thing, but so are Corey and Ky, so I don’t feel left out. Belting it out. sun going down, behind the pillars, because my dad rocks. Jen being part of the family. Not being the adult. The family being together. Having two moms around to watch out for me. (And later, Maribeth asking me, “Does he have health insurance?”) Sun behind the clouds. Sing it to me, Barracuda. 8 o’clock. “It’s a valid life choice.” 9 o’clock, Mary J Blige, Stairway to Heaven, you’re an angel. 10 o’clock. Sarah, I have missed you so. But, I will remember you. And, alternatively, Loving You is Easy. 2011, here we come.
Lilith 2010…