Dear Mr. McCance:

You may not understand homosexuals. You may not agree with them. But you’ve gotta stop bullying them. Are you joking me? You’d disown your children because they were gay? This is the thing you’d disown them over? And you come from a good “Christian” family but you call on homosexual teens to commit suicide? For you, who may not understand general Internet-speak, the periods between my words are me pausing, for emphasis that your comment on Facebook was one of the stupidest, most disrespectful, insensitive, disgusting things I’ve ever read. You should be ashamed. I thank God you’re resigning from your position on the school board, and that you’ve apologized, but you have to, as my mother would say, do some real soul searching. Because you seem to be a little confused by what the word “Christian” means. You should really spend some time trying to figure it out.

I’ll wait. (and so will the rest of the country.)

I am my politics.

Now, I haven’t gotten too political here, lately. I usually reserve that for Facebook, because I can do it faster, posting links, or just opinions. Plus, I think a lot of you feel kinda like me, and would rather here about my day then the latest BP thing to go awry.

But I feel like lately, people have asked why I do it, why I get angry and post things, only to fight in the “comments” section back and forth with people about what I think and feel. People say, “Doesn’t that stress you out?” And yes, sometimes it does. Sometimes I want to pull my eyes out, sometimes I want to shake people and say, “DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU ARE SAYING?”

But I post political things on Facebook anyway. On a website that people say “has no room for politics.” I post there for a reason. Because I care. I care about my world. Our only world. I care about my country. I care about my future. I want you to know just what’s happening with BP. I want you to know that recycling DOES make a difference. And I want you to know that if we don’t change the world, there won’t be a world for much longer.

I want you to know that I support gay rights because supporting gay rights is, consequently, the right thing to do. I want you to know that people who are homosexual are also family, friends, black, white, around you all the time, in the military, in the government, in the democratic party, in the republican party, in your work place. I want you to know that denying people rights is not what this country was founded on.

And, I want you to know that I am pro-choice. Because everyone deserves to make decisions for themselves. I want you to know that sometimes, abortion happens for a good reason. And, looking at the homeless population of the U.S., I know that sometimes kids die, too young, on the streets, without homes, without families.

And I want you to know that if a woman decides not to have an abortion, but instead to give her child up for adoption, then I think homosexual couples should have the right to adopt that child. Because they deserve a family as much as you do.

I write about politics on my Facebook because I want you to know. I want you to be aware. I want you to change this world. I want you to change mine. I want everyone to have rights, to live their dreams. I want corporations to be exposed. I want to decide where my tax dollars go. I want you to decide, too. I write about politics because I want you to vote. I want everyone to vote, and vote knowingly. I want you to get MAD. Anger is the starting point of change.

I want less apathy. I want more action. And I want you to know these things about me, because this is me. I am my politics. I care because I want a better life. I care because I want everyone to have a fair shake. Especially you, the people who I am friends with. I want you and I to have the same rights. Not just me and my buddies, or you and yours.

So now you know. I will never hide my politic feelings, and I wouldn’t expect you to shy away from the tough conversations, the emotions, as hard as they may be, of politics. I want you to get mad. At me, maybe. Because what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t know what you really felt about this world?