adventuring across the country

I don’t know how it happened, but all of the sudden I am taking two trips in three weeks to visit my family and some of my bests that live in/around New York.

First, next Wednesday, I head to Chicago to visit my family, see James Taylor, and generally frolic around the area.

Then, I come back the following Monday, work scant two weeks, then head to New York on August 14 to see Katie, Sierra, Marissa, and enjoy New York in August (I try to say this without a scoff. If it’s 100 degrees, we may spend our time fanning ourselves in a department store.)

The following week, Kelly and Aaron are in my neck of the woods, and then its basically September. Someone, please tell me how that happened?

I am so glad that these trips came together — I cannot wait! In the meantime, I want to say: Happy Birthday, SS. I remember when we celebrated your birthday circa 2005, and I can’t wait to see you soon to celebrate this one, eight years later!

Here is a photo of me and SS, circa 2006, when I convinced her to traipse around Europe with me on about $500 and some luck. She came, because she was a good friend. We survived, have lots of stories, and will never do anything that silly again (will we?)

I love you something fierce, and can’t wait to see you in a month!


weekend adventuring

Remember back in October when everyone said “We just need to get through October then we’ll be less busy”? I sure do, and now we’re nearly in April and still moving at a crazy pace.

This weekend I spent the better part of Saturday working on preparation for a photo shoot I’m working on with some friends. It involves black fondant, and as a result all my cuticles and most of my palms are dyed purple for the duration.

Here’s a sneak at our location…pretty awesome, if I do say so myself!

Saturday night I celebrated with the lovely people from The Katniss Chronicles to congratulate them on a job well done! Then, I headed out to celebrate the birth of a lovely Ms. Caitlin!

This is a picture of Caitlin and I and our European cohorts circa 2006. Which, in case you’re counting, was 6 years ago. I’m pretty sure most of us look exactly the same.

Also, I’d like to point out that I spent every waking moment on Saturday with Becca, from 9 am until 1 am. And it was so, so fun.

On Sunday, I got up to go hiking with Liz, only to find us covered in blankets of rain. After a quick trip to the observatory at Griffith, we had the following conversation:

“You want to go to the zoo?” – Liz

“I mean…we could. Let’s do it.” – me

“Ok.” parks car. turns car off. chats for five minutes.

“I’m having second thoughts on the zoo.” – Liz

“Ok, let’s not go.” – me

“Ok, Autry museum?” – Liz

“I’m in.” -me

And we proceeded to head to the Autry museum, directly across the way from the zoo.

This is me, at the museum, pretending to be in a Western prison. Please note the ridiculous outfit, due to the fact that I thought we were going hiking.

A picture of the evidence lockers from back in the Old West.

A sample of the badges from Sheriffs across the west.

After the museum, we were hungry, and cold, and wet from the pouring rain. So we headed to Alcove to get lunch, and of course, giant coffees.

Then Liz drove me home through this river that was Los Angeles, and I headed home to video chat with Corelyn for a few hours.

This weekend was so full, but this week brings more fondant design, cooking, eating, Jeff’s brother visiting, a photo shoot, and on Sunday, we’re headed to Long Beach to paddleboard. I can’t wait for the adventures this week that’ll propel me through this Monday!

What adventures did you have this weekend?

5gts: my soul sister is a rockstar edition.

1. My friend KC got some VERY exciting news today but I don’t know if I’m allowed to talk about it on the airwaves as my blog is very famous and the information might get into the hands of someone we don’t want it to. It involves her career and is so exciting I had to call her and giggle on the phone for five minutes. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU K.

2. It’s Friday, which means tomorrow is Saturday, full of soccer and two birthday parties and a Valentine’s cooking class on Sunday. I cannot wait.

3. This photo of Corelyn and I from our shoot on the beach. Mary and I talked about this last night and how someone Googled a recipe and this came up and they recognized the photograph as Mary’s and it just made me happy that it all comes around and that we’re starting to influence each other’s professional careers!

4. Listening to “The Head and the Heart” Pandora, downloading new albums by Jonah Smith and Newton Faulkner, and the head-bopping beats of Needtobreathe.

5. Everlasting sunshine, 71 degree weather, and California.

Happy Friday, chickadees!!!