Tag Archives: Garden
Plant Update!
After seeing K. Sue’s plant update, it occured to me you might be wondering how my little guys are doing. Are you wondering? Well, let me show you some new pictures:
Flowering again!
This guy died a little. He’s the same as the thriving Gerber daisy, so I have hope, but right now I am stroking his ego and letting him dry out.
May flowers…herbs…
I’ve been meaning to post an update on my potted herbs for a month and a half now, but it’s good I waited, because they have grown so much. I think it’s because of all the talking I do to them…
March 30
1. These are my Parker bowls. And I love them. Nothing to do with herbs, but they are beautiful.
Do you see the little seedlings in the middle? They are starting to grow!
These ones seem to be growing better. I think that they have more light.
Very very small, right in the center. See them?
April 15
Two weeks later, these suckers were growing towards the sun!
Look at them grow!!
I thought if I bought a flowering plant it’d encourage the others to grow.
May 4
Now, they are s t r e t c h i n g towards the s u n s h i n e
There they go!
Look at them! They are just flyin’ away!
Well the potato guy isn’t growing too much, but I think he needs more sun.
Eco Chic: Bring the environment to my urban life.
I love the city. I love living amongst lots of people, seeing events taking place a block from my house, enjoying 24 hour marts for those “just in case” days, and always having something to do somewhere, for free, for cheap, for a lot, for birthdays, holidays, any days, rainy days, etc. I loved Boston, I love L.A. (although could do without the smog) and I can’t imagine living anywhere but in a bustling metropolis.
That said, I also love nature: hammocks hung between the branches of an old tree, corner stores that close at six p.m., back yards with pools, gardens, fire pits, a place for the dog to run, a place for the inner child to come alive. I love driving through the country and seeing nature at its finest, indulging in a hummingbird’s momentary rest, whistling to the chickadees, spending time in the car stopped next to a herd of deer. I love gardens with tomatoes, eggplants, squash, sunflowers, and the occasion berry patch. I love eating something I’ve helped grow, along with some lemonade squeezed fresh and a hot dog, for good measure.
This past weekend, I decided to start small on an attempt to bring the ecourban lifestyle to my apartment. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? I have a large ledge behind my kitchen sink, and for the longest time it held planets my friend Ki had given to me when she moved to nature in the North. They died when I went home for Christmas, and I decided that piles of dead planets in my home weren’t quite the ecourban chic I was going for.
So I took the existing pots:
And I got some fancy soil and some gloves:
And I took note of the planet I already have, Mr. Potato:
And I soaked the soil for 1/2 hour, and cleaned the bathroom while I waited for the lady bug to ring…
And then, I stuck a match (from a matchstick garden kit) into each pot.
And now, we’re waiting for my garden to show me how it grows…We’ll see, we’ll see…