and we disappeared into the groove

Tonight is our first concert night of the summer. I am thrilled to be going with Traci, one of my bests from my study abroad in 2006. (Pause for 5 years. Wow.)

This is us circa 2007, on our way to Marc Broussard’s concert in Boston, July 16, 2007. Ticket cost? $18.

This is Traci and I at Chilton (Greystone Mansion) recreating one of our favorite Gilmore Girls scenes.

Not to be confused with the episode with the first and only traffic light in Stars Hollow.

But I digress. The point is, I like Traci a whole lot, and I like Marc Broussard a whole lot, too. And I couldn’t be more excited to kick off the concert summer with them. Ticket cost? $30. Marc, you’re moving up in the world. I am glad you’re still around four years later, and running strong.





All I heard was "Rory" and "Chilton" and "Get down here."

So in case you never knew this about me, I love Gilmore Girls. Since it started when I was a freshman in high school, and Rory was a sophomore (but going to a new school) and because Rory was a journalist geek, I totally related to her character. Because of this, I will do many an embarassing thing to remind myself of Gilmore Girls and all its glory, like quoting episodes at embarassing moments. I also saw Paris once at a diner, but that’s a story for another time.

Well, my girlfriends Caitlin and Traci and I have been meaning to go to Chilton FOREVER, since it’s right down the road from me and since we love any excuse to take pictures and talk about television shows we love. So today, we headed to Mel’s diner, grabbed brunch, and proceeded to Greystone Mansion, where they shot the exteriors (and some interiors) of Chilton, the fictional prep school in Gilmore Girls.

Here are a select few photos.