Day 12: Cheese is wonderful.

We’re back, winding down Day 12 on the cleanse. I’ve gotta be honest: I have broken it, twice. Once, for chocolate Jen brought back from New Zealand (because you only live once) and once for wine at work Happy Hour.

Other than that, sticking to it hasn’t been so bad, especially now that we’re able to eat cheese again. We’ve visited two new restaurants so far, the Veggie Grill and Tender Greens, both of which were delicious. We’ve also learned how to snack smartly – I have been eating a lot of citrus, fruit, and nuts.

We attempted to make whole grain wheat pizza dough in celebration of cheese being back in our lives, but I think we killed yeast (read: I killed the yeast) so it was more a flatbread. It was still pretty good, but it was definitely not perfect – we’ll have to work on that recipe.

Overall, I think that this cleanse, so far, has lead to drinking more water, more cooking, and really thinking about what you’re putting in your body. Which has been the most important part, I think. When you have to stop and think about everything you eat, you’re doing yourself a favor. I have been eating less because I stop and think, “I don’t want that for a snack.” Well, if you don’t want that, it’s probably not hunger driving you to eat – it’s boredom, or thirst, or lack of sleep, or some other basic need not being met.

I recently read this quote, and it really stuck with me:

“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”

– Ann Wigmore

I think this cleanse is teaching us to eat food. Not just eat things disguised as food, but actual, tangible things that came from this earth with the purpose to nourish us. I love the occasional candy bar, soda, and chip, but chemicals and fake sugar aren’t even food to begin with, and learning that is an important step in learning about eating the way we were meant to eat.

Heading into this weekend, we have two scheduled dinners (both home cooked) that I can’t wait to share with my friends. I hope you have delicious plans, too, friends.