just want to stay up high in the sky

Happy Wednesday, y’all. Tonight’s the full moon, so I am sitting around waiting for Jeff and Corelyn to arrive so we can go get pizza and watch Moonstruck.

moonstruck_cher_nicholas cage


You guys, if you haven’t seen it, you’ve gotta watch it. It’s hysterical, it reminds me of everyone in my family, and it has all the best quotes in the world.

Here’s a peak into the movie. I laugh pretty much the entire time, because I know what’s coming and because it is so.freaking.funny. Not to mention, how cute was Nick Cage at 24? The answer is so very cute.

Anyways, this has brewing for months and months, where EVERY MONTH during the full moon I proclaim loudly that we should immediately go home, watch Moonstruck, and laugh our faces off. We’re always on our way to something, or somewhere, or it’s 11 pm when I finally realize the moon is full. So last month on the full moon, I made a date with Corelyn (who has never seen the movie) to watch it the next full moon, no matter what.

Well folks, that night is tonight, and we must do what’s expected.

I am off to watch Cher fall in love, hopelessly. (BRING ME THE BIG KNIFE.)

you disrespect us, in our own house?

Loves, it’s Friday. It’s the day after Jeff’s birthday. The day before the soccer finals and our birthday party. It’s National Doughnut Day. It’s a great day, this day. And so, because it’s such a good day, I share this with you:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Me Lover’s Pizza With Crazy Broad
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog The Daily Show on Facebook

I couldn’t stop laughing, and can’t stop sharing this. It’s everything I love about being Italian, about being from the east coast, and being liberal, all rolled into one Jon Stewart post. Well done, sir.

In other Friday news, things I think you should look into:

1. Will Smith Pandora. Continue to “like” songs to optimize your station, to include Crazytown, Linkin Park, etc. You won’t regret such a good station for a Friday morning.

2. Adding to my reasoning for not liking cilantro. Thanks Becca!

3. Did you know if you hold CTRL + SHIFT + T the tab you just closed will reopen? Now you don’t have to lose that tab that may or may not have been important — or the last seven. Seriously, it works for LOTS of tabs. Try it now! (Also try CTRL + (number) to open a specific tab. This is handy if you are at work and shopping or writing on your blog and your boss comes in and you want to make it look like you were checking your work email. Keep your work email at the first tab for easy access.)

4. I have been noticing my shoulders hurting at work for the past two days. I believe this has something to do with stress, and I’ve been shrugging them up. I keep finding myself letting my shoulders go and noticing a HUGE difference. Where are your shoulder right now? Lower them. Roll them back. Sit up straight. Doesn’t that feel better? Also, in case you need some help, here’s a technique for relaxation breathing. I’m talking to all of you, even you Nikki, who cannot sit still.

5. Because I love you, and I know you’re all innovative, I think you’ll appreciate this.

My favorite?

Twenty ten: Spring.

I drove to meet my bff in San Francisco.

I took her home with me.

Her husband surprised her.

Before we cruise, we see Kirsten.

We cruise. We snorkel. We swim.

With Jeff’s family.

We go to Joshua Tree. We hike.

We climb big rocks.

We go to Chilton. We recreate scenes from Gilmore Girls.

We jump for joy.

We learn new tricks to cutting the acidity of coffee…

We grew things.

We sanded.

We baked. We built.

We piled into a van.

To hang out at a winery. For Mary’s birthday. In Malibu.


This weekend…

…it was….

girl’s night, real loud. wine, PW apps, more wine, and salad. Laughing, laughing, laughing…more wine. Laughing, crying because we’re laughing, smiling. Stories, clothing swap, “That looks great on you!” Screaming about nothing, screaming about “You are SO pretty omg” and “He’s so sucky, he just sucks” and “Oh my god this is delicious” and “Ugh I love it!” Music, and smiles, and hugs, and god, we needed that.

sleep, wake.

soccer. “No more goals” to keep it fair. “Can I play for the other team?” to keep it fair. Running, smiling, laughing, soccer. Home, leftovers. CC and I, shopping. Meeting CD, shopping ,work appropriate tops, and “No you cannot have that.” Christmas music, which we’re ignoring. More laughing. Cute dresses, cute shoes. No boots. “Why does this zipper make sense?” Home, lasagna. Calm. Alone. Thanksgiving planning. “All we have to do is making this and this the night before? That’s great!” Eat lasagna. Realize we’re nine recipes behind in blogging. Not caring. Lasagna = winner. Princess Bride, because he hasn’t seen it…”Anybody want a peanut?” so good.

sleep, wake.

Egg sandwich. Head to work, by 10 am. New clothes, feelin’ spiffy. Work, work, smile, smile, work…off of work, nearly done. Gas, then home, then TJs, for pizza stuff…then home, then cookies. Half the recipe. Cookies look half the size…but they are still good! Open some wine, make some pizza dough, get ready for Jenn…Jenn arrives! Pizzas get made. Bacon and onion, clam, mushroom broccoli, pepperoni, cheese. Best. pizza. ever. Chatting, chatting all night long, about home, about friends, about new friends, about nothing in particular. Three pizzas, three friends, one bottle of wine. Great night. Goodbye, promise of seeing each other tomorrow.

sleep, wake.