
One of my yoga teachers, who I am sure I’ve talked about before, is doing this thing called 30 Days Positive. You can learn about it here, but it’s basically about losing the negativity and finding positivity in each and every day. Here’s my first eight days.

8/2/2012 – day one: went to Shark Week 25th Anniversary party. Ate a cupcake.

8/3/2012 – day two: found this of nikki and me…guess I have to update this one!

8/4/2012 – day three: beach day for myself, including crosswords and MVY Radio.

8/5/2012 – day four: gluten free blueberry pie.

8/6/2012 – day five: Yesterday I lost my keys, forgot to put butter in my pie, and got a piece of plastic stuck in garbage disposal. Jeff got the plastic out, the pie was delicious, and the Farmer’s Market called to tell me they have my keys. #30dayspositive. Win.

8/7/2012 – day six: laundry = done.

8/8/2012 – day seven: taking time to feed Jeff and I right.

8/9/2012 – day eight: second night of homemade meals, this time, Summer Vegetable Pasta with goat cheese.