It’s Friday, folks, which means the weekend is nearly here. Soccer starts anew this weekend, and we’re also having one of my famous LA-family events (our yearly Christmas Tree bonfire) so I have a lot to look forward to.
This is from circa 2011, or maybe 2010. Unclear, but one thing is clear: it is tons and tons of fun!
This week I have had a chance to run three miles, and I have done yoga four days in a row, which means I am not feeling super sore after running – definitely a plus if I am going to find my running stride, again, and enjoy running without having major injuries/setbacks.
I have also signed on to a seven mile run in mid-March, which has led to me finding a good training schedule that allows me to ease slowly back into my life without feeling overcommitted or underprepared for the race.
What kind of training schedules do you guys use for running? Do you listen to music, books on tape? I have been listening to The Katniss Chronicles, but I am on the last episode (oh no!) and now I am debating between catching up on RadioLab or coming up with some poppy mixes for 2014.
Happy Friday, you guys! Stay warm, lovelies!