the sky it was gold, it was rose

I spent this past weekend hiking and climbing with my longest bff, and then of course got home and busy and back into the swing of work and barely have though about it again.

Except, I should, because I had a great time in Red Rocks Canyon and that deserves to be mulled and thought about and acknowledged.

Lauren is one of those friends that knows me deeply, and supports me even when I am unsure of myself. There were a couple moments this weekend of “I cannot do this” when Lauren said, “You can.” (Spoiler: turns out I absolutely could.) It was nice to have someone that supports me more than I support myself, and understands who I am and who I want to be without saying any of that.

I loved being in nature and having no service and no responsibilities other than sitting and walking and eating and sucking in the sunshine and living. Laughing, and smiling, and doing things that terrified me a little that weren’t even that hard. I loved being windswept and having no mirror and just loving life without thinking about everything before and after, but just being in the moment. I loved earning my dinner by climbing up and over terrains that look as alien as Mars.

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It was a great return to the wild. It was an adventure meeting new friends, trying something I haven’t done a lot, and being still. It recharged my batteries as I rush into another week and weekend and month of being so busy I can’t see straight, crashing to bed after a full day and waking up with a list to attend to. It was necessary. It was right.

Thanks, L, for keeping me on track. Thanks for pushing me when I needed to be pushed and letting me open my arms to the sun and just be. Love you. xo