5 Good Things: Thursday Edition

1. I have started to search for Nine Days CDs again, and am discovering they might release a new album, soon!

2. It is Thursday, which means tomorrow is Friday, and the start of the weekend!

3. I get to go back to MI in a little over a week!

4. I get to go to a 3eb concert a WEEK from today.

5. Big Momma.


When Big Momma makes the world, she doesn’t mess around.

“Earth, ” she says, “get over here.” And it does.

Assignment 53.

Check out this website. Some advice for  me:

To Jennie, age 14:

* Don’t listen to everything anyone tells you. Don’t believe too strongly in something just because your friends do.
* Listen to your mother. She’s right about them.
* Hang out with your sister more. She’s leaving to go to college, soon.

To Jennie, age 15:

* Don’t cry so much. Your life is pretty awesome.
* Tell your parents you love them more.
* Spend some more time with your girls.

To Jennie, age 16:

* Don’t stay with him for the summer just because your lockers are next to each other. You should really break up with him when you’re done with him. It’ll save heartache later.
* Don’t think you’re fat. Right now, you’re the skinniest you’re going to be. And even when you’re not as skinny, you’ll be happy. Because you’re beautiful.
* Focus when you go to NYC. You’ll remember every snowflake.

To Jennie, age 18:

* Break up before you go. Although you’ll miss some good times, you’ll thank me later.
* Don’t let him walk you home in September. It’ll be the start of heartbreak 4 years in the making.
* Don’t go to that party at K’s. Don’t let him be on the porch with you. Don’t let him tell you that he’d date you if only she didn’t exist. Don’t let him say he wishes she didn’t.
* It’s not your fault he died. Don’t let yourself believe it for a minute. Ever.
* Listen to your mother.

To Jennie, age 19:

* Don’t promise things you can’t to the people you love.
* Kiss him anyways. You won’t regret it.
* Kiss him, too. Ditto.
* Remember that your life is full of learning experiences. He loved you. Just not anymore.
* Listen to your mother.

Save the Earth.


5 Ways to Save the Earth every day — from your desk!

1.Turn off your monitor when you leave your desk for more than a few seconds. It saves energy. Also, when you go home for the night, don’t forget to turn your speakers off if they are separate!

2. Use Blackle instead of Google.

3. If you drink a lot of water at your desk, bring a reusable water bottle instead of plastic ones. You may have to search out a bubbler, but Mother Earth will thank you for saving her from the plastic.

4. Use a travel mug to bring tea/coffee to the office, and leave a mug there for tea/coffee at work. I have a few of each, in case I leave a travel mug at work, and I try to use one for tea and one for coffee because coffee smell tends to hang out.

5. Use paperclips instead of staples. I have this paperclip holder on my desk! Or a stapleless stapler!

Bonus: Reuse the paper you use to printer out directions, lists, emails, etc. etc. If you use both side of each piece, think of all the paper that won’t be made into trees.