I arrived home tonight at 5:59. I cannot remember the last time I got home before 6, and I barely knew what to do with myself.
So I did what comes natural, of course: made a delicious dinner.
I had a half of red onion. In it went.
Cast of characters: 3 carrots, a head of broccoli, 1 tomato (that I may or may not have dropped on the way home from the farmer’s market.)
I added two garlic chicken sausages, because I love them, and some cloves of garlic, too.
Mmmmmm good!!
Over pasta, per usual.
I added some mexican cheese and parm cheese, and ate it too fast to show you.
Then I watched all the episodes I had missed of Law and Order:SVU. Now I am watching Ellen. And what, what, what, could be better than that, guys?