So stop being a wuss.

My sister text messaged me the other day.

We should run a race.

She says this a lot. She was ill. I chalked it up to fever.

Then she switched to other topics. Hometown gossip, mainly. I let it go.

Next day, I get an email about her birthday. Snuck into the bottom is,

Also, Jennie, Mikie, and Jon, here is the race I have decided upon…

A 5k. In May.

It included this: So stop being pansy babies and start running.

So I did the only logical thing one can do with older sisters: I started running. She sent me a training schedule that I knew I could not start, because Step 1 was run a mile and a half. Doubt it. So I found a website on “How to Run a Mile” which was exactly what I needed. I am not following it exactly – I am basically running until I can’t run anymore (which is not very far, don’t worry.)

Here’s what it comes down to. I started on Friday. I ran a mile on the treadmill. It took me 15.5 minutes. I took Saturday off, rock climbing instead, and ran again yesterday. I ran outside, and it took me 17 minutes. I chock that up to weather, shoes, and terrain. And because my arms were so sore I could barely lift them. And because I am bad at running, mainly.

Today’s an off day, and since my arms are still sore, I took it as a completely “off” day, but I did get this yesterday at REI, so I won’t be having many “off” days from now on, since I am going to want to run this sucker up.

Tomorrow, I have to face the treadmill again. Not looking forward to it, but I’m determined. Or maybe I am just scared of my sister…

Friday morning = successful as all get out.

So last night I went to my cousin AJ’s house to have dinner with a few of her friends and her fiance, Dan. We had chicken cordon bleu, which was DELICIOUS, and baked potatoes, and spinach with feta, tomatoes, onion, and garlic. So good. We also had deviled eggs for appetizers, which had avocado in them. Let me tell you: so good, I could die and go to heaven.

But, after eating that, I knew. I knew that I had to get up at 5:45 this morning and go to the gym. Because I couldn’t go after work today (I have drinks AND a dinner, two groups of friends) and I don’t have a lunch today, so I have to eat out. You see my dilemma.

So, after promising myself I’d be getting Jamba Juice for lunch, and maybe a side salad with no dressing, and after getting into bed at 10:08, I really saw no reason to not get up. I would still get nearly 8 hours of sleep. I would have worked out before coffee, before Stephanie Miller, before whatever crazy thing awaited me at work.

But wait, I said to myself. I would have to shower at the gym. That requires sandals, clothes, a towel, shampoo, etc. I voiced this opinion out loud to Jeff. Who replied, “Well, why don’t you go to the gym, come back, and then shower at home?”

So I did. 5:22, my alarm went off, and I had to convince myself to get out of bed. Which I did, at 5:45. I got up, got dressed, brushed my teeth (which I totally deserve brownie points for), and got all my stuff together. I went down to the car. I got in. I drove. I got to the gym, I parallel parked (more brownie points), and got into the gym. At 6:08, I was getting on the treadmill.

I forgot my socks. I ran for 2 minutes and nearly died. I walked on an incline, as Nikki told me to. I ran again. I slowed down. I walked. I ran for 2 minutes (from 8 minutes to 10) and then jumped off. Enough was enough. I switched to the bike. After all — I had no SOCKS. I biked for 5 minutes, trying to tell the bike how long I wanted to workout for, and finally did. Then 15 minutes doing rolling hills at level 10. While I biked, I tried to convince myself that no, my lungs are NOT actually going to fall out, and I tried to watch Charmed, which is just bad in the later seasons, no matter how tired you are.

I hopped off the bike at 6:44, weary, but done. Done for the day. Ready for coffee. Ready for work. I went home, showered, whispered to Jeff that he owed me ten dollar.s (He double dog dared me that I wouldn’t go.) I got to work at 7:59. On time, for the first time in probably a week. (Or two, if I’m being honest with myself.)

This weekend is busy, and I am glad I worked out this morning so I feel less guilty having a beer tonight, and maybe having a fistful of tortilla chips at dinner…