5gts: Friday.

1. I went to 6:00 am yoga on Wednesday morning and my teacher’s name was Skip. I have never taken his class before, and he said at one point, while I was in Warrior 3:

“Welcome to my class. If you thought this was going to be more about meditation, that’s on Monday mornings. We like to sweat in my class.”

He also, I swear to you, was the guy from Can’t Hardly Wait that keeps saying, “Remember that time…”

Turns out he wasn’t that guy, but he reminded me of him SO MUCH.

2. My friend Elliott is moving two miles away from me, which means we’ll be carpooling all fall. Can you believe it? I can’t, either. But, it’s true, and this has greatly improved my mood.

3. Katie has finally come back to the world of blogging. Glad you’re back, K.

4. Girl’s night tonight. Making salads, chattering away, and potentially laughing until we cry.

5. Slow weekend, then my girls are coming to visit. I cannot wait for them.

24 Things I want for my birthday.

Since I am turning 24, I would like you to do me 24 favors. I think you can do them all, and I think it might not be that hard, AND I think you’ll come off on the other side that much smarter. Take your time — the summer if need be — but try to do some of these, for me, cause it’s my birthday.

1. Register to vote if you’re not registered already.

2. Take time to review the candidates in your next election, which is coming this August. Primaries are happening now, and yours could be soon, or have already happened!!

Massachusetts – September 14, 2010
Connecticut – August 10, 2010
California – Yesterday, read about candidates here.
Michigan – August 3, 2010

Calendar of all the dates for primaries, in case you don’t live in the four I’ve lived in…

3. Read this article, and this article, about the Gulf Oil Spill. Because it’s not over, and we need to continually be aware that the Oil Spill was not a natural disaster — and it’s not over, yet.

4. Tell me how long you read the newspaper or news online a day. Then double it. 15 minutes? Try 30. Check the New York Times, the LA Times, the Boston Globe, the Detroit Free Press, CNN, MSNBC, Fox (yes, because you should know how they are skewing things, lately), ABC News, BBC News, Al Jazeera, etc. Read about politics, world events, local events, sports. Just be aware.

5. Send me your favorite Youtube video. Here’s mine.

6. Find a local farmer’s market. Buy your produce from there. Not only will it taste delicious, it’ll also help support your local economy, and be better for you. AND will lower your carbon imprint.

7. Speaking of local produce, try, just ONCE a month (and maybe gradually change your thinking to always), to buy your meat organic, and free range. It’s better for the animal, for you, and for the world. (You can do this with eggs, too.)


9. Stop eating high fructose corn syrup. (Alternatively titled: eat more REAL food.)

10. Read Michael Pollan’s “Food Rules.” Corelyn has a copy, if you need to borrow. Then, pick 10 rules to start with, and follow them.

11. Send me 5 books that you think I should read RIGHT NOW because holy crap, she’d love this.

12. Tell me what you want to know about — do you want me to write more about my family, friends? Do you want me to write more? Have more photos? Cook something fancy you’ve been meaning to try but aren’t sure how to do? Post more recipes? Let me know!

13. Tell me an issue you care about: I’ll give you a documentary to watch. Watch it.

14. Tell me how you feel about gay marriage: if you’re for it, help me fight for rights. Sign up for a list serve, read about it online, figure out if you can donate time or money to the cause, simply know what is going on. If you’re against it, explain to me why, so I can understand you, and learn more about this controversial subject.

15. Sign up to be a bone marrow donor or a blood donor. Or both (like I am!) Last year’s birthday present to myself was to become a bone marrow donor — and I’ve never felt better. Tell your friends, and have them sign up, too!

16. Recycle. Reuse. Reduce. I know some of you find recycling hard: but if God, or whoever, made this planet for us, don’t you think we should keep it nice? And, if the planet was made for all of us, don’t you think it’d be nice if we kept it nice for others? How would you feel if you a) gave someone a really nice gift and they kept it dirty, or b) knew that your friends didn’t clean their kids rooms, even if their kids couldn’t do it for themselves because they were infants?

17. Make me a playlist. Send it to me in an email (if you think I have/can get most of the songs) or by CD, or by MP3 email.

18. Tell me what you care about. Shoot me a link to your blog, or someone’s blog YOU follow because you care about what you write, or something you’ve written. Let me help you with your causes, as you help me with mine.

19. Volunteer. For one hour a month, or a week. Or one hour every four months. Just get out and do something: coach a team, tutor a kid, help plant a garden, get out politic ideas, clean up your neighborhood, walk a dog, grocery shop for the elderly, listen to someone’s story. There are thousands of organizations that will help you volunteer near and far.

20. Get up, and go! Walk, run, jog, cycle, swim. Do yoga, hikes, climbs,  head stands, whatever. I want you to be healthy, because quite frankly, I really like you. And I want you to be around for a while. Selfish me.

21. On that note — don’t diet. Moderate. Dieting doesn’t do the body good, and doesn’t do your stress levels or mental state good, either. Figure out what moderation works for you. Refer to number 20.

22. Take my mantra to heart: Today’s the day. When I was 15, I cut that phrase out of a magazine, where it was part of an ad (I think for Wheat Thins or something.) I took it to heart: today’s the day. Today’s the day to make it happen. Today’s the day I finally stick up for myself. Today’s the day that I love myself, my life, and everything around me. Today’s the day I finally start working out. Today’s the day I smile. Whatever. But remember: Today’s the day.

23. Take some pictures of your life. Send them to me. Email, blog posts, whatever. Sometimes you guys are so damn quiet it scares me. I want to know what’s going on with you, and what makes you tick, smile, laugh, and cry.

24. Send me a favor to do for you. As I explained to Roman, one of my soccer players:

“Roman, can you do me a favor and get me that ball?”

“WHAT?” Blank stare.

“Do you know what a favor is?”

“Umm, no.”

“OK. A favor is something you do for someone because they need you to do it to help them, or help yourself. And then, if you do a favor for them, they might do one for you later.”

“Ohhh, ok. I’ll get you that ball.” And, later, I let him play goalie…

Sunday is…

Sunday is:

Sleeping in. Coffee. Looking in an empty fridge, because June = travel. Cereal. Cleaning the kitchen, first. straighten the house. New garage springs. No more nearly being squashed by the door. Biking to the hardest yoga session I’ve ever been too. Circle of abs. Biking to my hair cut. “Do you sleep on this side of your head? Have you been stressed?” A fortune-telling hairdresser. Helmet on: bike home. Lunch. Tuna, because once again – fridge = empty. Tennis with Jeff. Lots of sunscreen. Shower, a second call, to ask, “Are you SURE you don’t need us to bring anything?” They didn’t. Cricket’s to a wonderful party. Vodka-cran, burger. BBQ chicken wings. Friends, laughing. Birthday presents = a presidential dog puzzle = perfect. New kitchen pot holders. Bookends for Jeffrey. A perfect day. Laughing. Smiling. Continuation of Saturday. Same friends, different day. Perfect day.

Talk of the rest of the summer. How quickly it will go.

Next up? BBQ at home. Later, chickadees.

A continued battle: my feet.

Now, all of you who are constant readers know that my feet and I don’t always get along. As I type, I am rolling my feet on tennis balls, hoping to loosen my muscles before Yoga tonight. They tend to get tight during Yoga, when I need them to keep me in tree or triangle or warrior 3, and so I am hoping this will help the day.

Last night, I jumped on an elliptical machine, hoping to try something new. I set the time to twenty minutes, after spending five minutes trying to figure out exactly how to WORK the machine. (it kept telling me my target heart rate of 160 was unsafe, what?) Then I just listened to my tunes, trying not to fall off the machine or knock anyone around me. This proved harder than I thought, and around minute 10 I was sure I was going to fall off. I tried to hold onto the longer supports with my hands, but that only made it worse, and I nearly flung myself into the bike machines. So I kept them on the middle supports, heart rate monitor broken.

My feet slowly revolted, saying “no, thanks” and I began to slow down. I eventually got off (at 20 minutes) and went over to the bikes. Ahh, 10 minutes of a hard cardio workout. That’s better. Nikki insists if I walk on an incline or run I’ll be OK, but after my feet hurting that much, I don’t know. I guess I’ll only know if I try, which I intend to do: soon. Real soon. For now, I’ll stick to 11 mile bike rides, yoga, and the occasional kick boxing.

What are all of you doing for exercise these days?

Dream Post 6: Yoga?

I had a dream:

I am with my friend Jen, the other Jen, and I am going with her to her apartment (her families apartment?) in “the city” which is either a) a second city that lives in my head that I’ve dreamed of before or b) a borough of the city that is already in my head. I haven’t decided which, yet. She is showing me her apartment, which I have been to before in my dreams (once) and I remember it, but it is very dusty and dark, like no one ever opens the windows or turns the lights up past “dim.” Then, I am going to yoga in this old building, but I remember being in my jeans, which is not helpful for yoga. Some woman has brought her baby, but it’s only the head of a baby, not its whole body. This doesn’t frighten me, because apparently this is normal. I comment on the fact that the baby has an excellent laugh, and his mom is like, “Well too bad you can’t see his smile, but I left his mouth at home.” It is very bizarre. Then the baby is a regular sized toddler, and apparently everyone has brought their children to yoga class. So someone gets the idea to have a babysitter take all the children to another room while the parents do the yoga. I help bring the children over to this room, and one little boy says he thinks I am fun and wants to play with me. I am torn between going to the babysitting room and going back to yoga, but in the end, I go back to yoga. Jeff is there, and we begin yoga, but the room we are in is apparently outdoors, and I am covered in bugs, and the ground is very uneven, so it’s hard to do the yoga. The ground is all moss, instead of being grass, and I find it very hard to get comfortable.

Then I wake up.
