Some things to tell you.

Guys, I have so many little things to tell you!

* I have this plant at work. It’s SO needy. It legitimately needs water every day. It was regifted to me from my coworker because she’s not really into plants. And what am I supposed to do? Let it die? I think not. So I have to water it every day. This weekend we had a three day weekend, and when I got back all the leaves were droopy, and several were yellow. NEEDY.

* I dropped my iPod on my toe yesterday on the way out of my bedroom. It is bruised.

* I want to start bird watching in LA. To prepare, I am reading this article.

* I cut myself some bangs this weekend. My longer bangs just keep getting all up in my business.

* I wore capris with sneakers today. It looks a little weird, but I can’t help it. I need the sneaks to walk, and it’s hot. I might have to get some cuter kicks.

* Corelyn and I are going to make summer dresses and skirts. We’ll let you know how it goes.

* There are 2 Dunkin Donut mugs on my desk. I didn’t bring one home yesterday because I had to take the train. It is shameful. I might make Jeff come in and collect them tomorrow before he scurries off to work.

* Speaking of the train, I think I am going to finish my book today because I have been riding the train! How awesome is that!?

* I am volunteering tonight. I don’t really want to, because I am a bit tired, but that’s the point of volunteering, I think. So I am going anyways. Besides, it’s only for an hour, and it’s with children, so I think it’ll be good.

* This morning I woke up 1 minute before my alarm went off and convinced myself it was rainy outside. It was not. I was also convinced that I was WIDE awake. And woke up after 1 snooze 9 minutes later…

* This morning, while 5 people were in my office AND I was on the phone, I spilled coffee all over my desk. Whoops. But, the nice thing was, no one noticed!!

* One of the kinder teachers just broke cake in. I am excited and saddened by this, because I’ve already eaten M&Ms today. Whoops.

Farmers' market.

Corelyn and I went to the Farmers’ market this weekend and scored on some excellent bounty. Potatoes (red, purple, and white), some tomatoes, basil (which I made into pesto), two huge heads of lettuce, lots of avocados, zucchini and summer squash, and some brussel sprouts.

Delicious. I filled my sink with some water, and let the lettuce and brussel sprouts sit for a while, shaking out the dirt.



May flowers…herbs…

I’ve been meaning to post an update on my potted herbs for a month and a half now, but it’s good I waited, because they have grown so much. I think it’s because of all the talking I do to them…

March 30


1. These are my Parker bowls. And I love them. Nothing to do with herbs, but they are beautiful.


Do you see the little seedlings in the middle? They are starting to grow!


These ones seem to be growing better. I think that they have more light.


Very very small, right in the center. See them?

April 15


Two weeks later, these suckers were growing towards the sun!


Look at them grow!!




I thought if I bought a flowering plant it’d encourage the others to grow.

May 4


Now, they are s t r e t c h i n g towards the s u n s h i n e


There they go!



Look at them! They are just flyin’ away!


Well the potato guy isn’t growing too much, but I think he needs more sun.