I think so.
They made it to the finals this season. We won in the semi finals in over time. We lost in the finals in over time. They still got trophies. And they got cup cakes. And they were very, very happy.
I think so.
They made it to the finals this season. We won in the semi finals in over time. We lost in the finals in over time. They still got trophies. And they got cup cakes. And they were very, very happy.
I have this friend, her name is Melissa. She is splendid.
Here she is, with us, in Santa Monica. She’s very great. Also, she happens to have Celiac. This means she is, essentially, allergic to all things gluten. When she came to visit, we had to be pretty careful with what we ate, so that we wouldn’t accidentally contaminate her food, or anything we were eating. This meant being careful about utensils, (no wooden spoons, for example, which are porous) being careful with cookware (no cast iron) and generally being careful about what you buy. McCormick spices are good, but Trader Joe’s are not. Some rices are ok, others are not. Ralphs, our local grocery store, has a pretty good line of gluten-free products, whereas some of the TJ’s things that its website says are gluten free are still processed at the same places with wheat, so technically, M couldn’t eat them.
I learned a lot when she was here, including which restaurants lend themselves to gluten-free menus, and which don’t. PF Changs has a great menu, which was nice because everyone loves a little Chinese food. I also learned about identifying foods (label reading) that are gluten free, and how to practice safe kitchen techniques to keep gluten free food to be just that.
This is us, on our way to PF Changs.
Learning more about cooking practices was incredibly interesting, and helped me prepare for Jeff, and his doctor telling him he has high blood pressure. We’re working towards eating less sodium at home, although its been slow going. Jeff loves pizza, which has tons of cheese, which has tons of sodium. In another post, I will be sure to show you the low-sodium chicken parm that I made this week.
1. This photo of the watering hole in El Portal, from WFR training.
2. It’s Friday, and sunny, and warm.
3. Basketball finals tomorrow. My babies are so excited, I could cry. They’ve beat a team they never had, and we’ve beat both of the other teams….victory?
4. Taxes will be done after this weekend, and while I am not looking forward to the doing, and I am looking forward to the done.
5. Work is finally, finally, finally calming down. And an adventure next weekend with Lauren. And a cruise in 2.
Happy Friday, Happy Spring, chickas. Love you all.
Contact, by Carl Sagan
Schott’s Almanac 2007, by Ben Schott
Cadillac Desert, by Marc Reisner
The Distant Land of my Father, by Bo Caldwell
Gaudi, by Gijs Van Hensbergen
The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera
The Tenth Circle, by Jodi Picoult
A Year in Provence, by Peter Mayle
** All of these books were 95 cents. Excellent.
I got these new shoes.They’re danskos.
They have 2 inch heels and make me very tall.
They are very comfortable. They have arch support.
Meanwhile, I went to the foot doc today, and we did transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation which is a fancy way of saying they put an electric current through both of my feet for a while. Then, they did ultra sound on my feet, as well, to stimulate blood flow. Then I was wrapped up so I have arch support for 2-3 days, and I have excellent red and blue taping jobs. My feet feel better already, and I am hoping this will help my knees, calves, and ankles chill and go back to normal. We’ll see. Wish me luck!