Quick! A Poll!

Thoughts on this:

I was invited to go to Jamba Juice to get a smoothie at lunch. Does this count as eating out, if my lunch will be a sandwich from home, and I will get a Jamba smoothie? I need your opinion!!

Please leave a comment.

The reason I ask is because I’ve given up eating out for 2 weeks, along with Jeff. And I am trying to figure out whether this counts against me in that challenge. Please see here.

What up, Kate? I think you're awesome.

This is my friend Kate. And her bf Tom. And me.

That’s her 4 years ago.

This is her last summer.

That’s me and my bests. Last summer. I love them.

Anyways, back to Kate. This is the thing: she’s amazing. wonderful. She’ll watch an entire season of any TV show you want in one sitting, ice cream and snacks in hand. She’ll also finish an entire tub of hummus and celery sticks with you on her roof over a pitcher of sangria. She’ll also go to the museum with you, and have something intelligent to say about just about every artist there. And even artists who aren’t. She’ll watch Oscar-nominated films, indie films, and bad chick flicks with you, and enjoy them all. She’ll defend you to the death, cut someone with a shank for you, if she needs to, and makes sure to always say “please” and “thank you” and “Is there more coffee?” She’s pretty much my fave. And she, my friends, is also a ridiculously talented writer. (I know, you’re not surprised. I wasn’t, either.)

She has been published here. Go read it. I’ll wait.

SO good, right? I just love her. Check her blog out, here. She’s totally worth it. I promise. (Like an extra set of crunches, or that extra handful of cranberries on your morning cereal, or that last episode of Full House about the time they lose Comet.)

You can thank me later.

Friday: Five Good Things.

1. That picture. And Kirsten being a new mom, and soon!

2. It is Friday, and tomorrow I am going for a day hike with lovely ladies who are just as excited as I am to frolic in the desert.

3. The sun is shining, Sunday holds the promise of a brunch in a garden, and I feel fine.

4. May Real Simple is here. I plan to spend some time reading it cover to cover in the very near future.

5. No-eating-out-challenge. I self-imposed a Jeff/Jennie challenge of No Eating Out (at the very least for dinner) for 2 weeks. It is day 3. We’ll see how that goes. The idea behind it is this: Jeff and I tend to eat out, and eating out costs a lot of money. It’s weird that in a restaurant, you’ll spend $8 or $12 on a salad, but in the grocery store, I have Catholic guilt if I spend $3 on berries. On BERRIES, people. Why is it that I will spend on whatever when it’s probably LESS healthy for me, but I can’t splurge on those things that make me feel better? I aim to find out just how much I will gain from not eating out. (Or maybe, how much I will lose.) This will also help us with our “Low-sodium” diet, which has been brought on by Jeff’s potential for high blood pressure.

Who’s with us? Can you do the 2-week challenge?