Home again, home again.

Jeff and I arrived home on Saturday. We had In-n-Out for dinner with M, and hung out with her for a few hours, laughing and chatting. Best part? Seeing my finished OWL SWEATER (pictures to come once the owls have eyes) and an equally as awesome OWL HAT because M is the BEST EVER.

Yesterday was a relaxing day in LA. We woke up late, headed to the farmer’s market, which was rainy, cold, and lacking serious vegetables. I blame it on our 12 pm arrival and the fact that LA can’t handle the rain, but I managed to snag some celery and carrots from the mix. We had lunch, then headed home, where I snuggled up with The Birth of Venus (our book club book this month) and read for hours. After that, we both showered to get warm (LA needs to learn about insulation) and had Mac and Cheese for dinner, while watching “The Hangover.” It was a much needed “chill” day filled with peace and quiet. Jeff and I are still (STILL) coming off our colds, so I think it was good to recoop.

On the agenda this week is: getting better, going back to yoga, and to the gym, getting back into the swing of work, eating healthy and eating home, finding buttons online for my owl sweater, scheduling some dinners to see friends I’ve been missing, and gearing up for a busy month.

How is your daily grind settling back in?

We now have the perfect amount of friends; enough to eat an entire cake.

Yesterday I spent the day with tons of my friends who were all celebrating our friend Jen’s birthday. About 8:00 pm, when I was warming up a plate of Thanksgiving leftovers and then getting ready for my photo shoot (think: Christmas cards) I said to Corelyn, who was helping me get ready, “This is what I always pictured adult life to be.” We had been hanging out since 11:00 am.

At one point were nearly twenty people in my house, all eating cake we’d made and the coffee we’d brewed. We were opening presents and playing “Jen-trivia,” a year-long tradition that has made us know that much more about our LA base.

Near six, people started leaving, and Cor and I snuggled closer on the couch, not getting up to hug everyone goodbye. “Sorry, we’re jerks,” we exclaimed, but made no move to stand.

Our friend C smiled, bent over to hug us, and said, “It’s ok. It’s different when you’re family.” And we agreed.

There were five of us left, hanging out in my apartment, chattering about the past two days, talking about Internet sensations, about Thanksgiving leftovers, about moving our friend two days later. I had a conversation with my friend S about life; I went to the kitchen and chatted with M about her life, her new job, etc. I then moved to the bathroom with Cor, and smiled. This is adult life I thought. Or maybe twentysomething life; hanging out with friends that you treat like family, getting to choose how you spend your time, no homework to do, just time. Time to fill with cooking, and eating, and chatting, and Book Club, and wine tastings and birthday cakes and watching movies.

This, this right here? This is the good life.


So, you know, this isn't normal life.

events: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Monday.
six events. nine days. (did I mention these were six different TYPES of events, too?)


Friday night: PW challenge. Three recipes.


weekend: Soccer finals, starting at 10:45. Right at the end of my Saturday event. Can I make it….tbd.


this morning I brought my bag of change to school for the penny drive and I donated all of my pennies. I also treated myself to a chai with the 4 ??Sacagawea dollars I found.


we’re so close I can taste it, and all I want to do is chug through the rest of these recipes, gain my butter weight, and slide into 2011 with a goal for weight loss before my sorella’s big day.


today on the way to work I found my sunglasses broken in the car. Don’t worry, I carry a back-up pair. And it’s supposed to rain on Saturday. So we might be OK.


PW was on Throwdown last night. It was magical. It’s been DVRed.


there is still a pumpkin on my desk at work with candy in it. Since Halloween, I haven’t eaten any.


little victories.