Things I am trying.

Last week I told you about my moment of straight-across peace to unsubscribe from unnecessary emails. Well, this week K. Sue has taught me to remember that you should continue to challenge yourself, always. She has always used the mouse of her computer with her left hand (as her mother is left handed.) I have always found this interesting, and with the office to myself this week, I was looking for ways to challenge what I do. Since it’s summer, and the office is a little slower than normal, I started working my left hand. How’s it going? Slow. I keep trying to grab the mouse with my right hand. It takes me longer to edit in Photoshop. It makes my arm hurt (who knew you were using so much muscle when using the mouse?) and it makes my fingers confused. But: I am doing it. And I am fidgeting less. Do I really need to click between my windows? Or am I just doing it because it’s easy? How badly do I need to check my myriad of websites I normally check? I find myself only doing things that are actually important. A return to focus, if you will. Exactly what I needed.

Will you try to use your left hand for your mouse for one week, and tell me how it goes?

A moment of straight-across peace.

This is something MJB said in her “making of” video about Stairway to Heaven.

Something that is giving me a moment of straight-across peace this week?

For the past 2 weeks, I’ve been hitting that unsubscribe button like MAD. I get so much junk email, and it causes my inbox to be full and my heart to be overwhelmed. I always worry I am going to miss an important email, and meanwhile I have two emails from LLBean and JCrew.

What has been giving YOU moments of straight-across peace?

July 4th weekend

Hi chicks! Today, in a few hours, I will be on a July 4th three day weekend festival of love, sun, and happiness! It started today with an office BBQ, for which I made a patriotic flag cake.

It will continue tonight with planning for Sunday, epic beach day of the year, along with a picnic tomorrow for my fave girl Ellen, on account of her birthday! Also included tomorrow is drinks out for Ms. Ellen, and some car shopping for Jeff and me.

Sunday marks the longest beach day recorded in memorable history, followed by a recovery period Monday of cleaning the fire smell from my house and organizing my very messy closet.

What are YOU doing for your holiday weekend?