Focus on the purple.

This week, B and C’s friend K was in town. She got a fortune to focus on the purple. I figured it could carry over to me, so I am focusing.

In an effort to focus harder, I’ve painted my toes purple, and dyed my hair. Not purple though. I have my limits.

As seen in the picture, you can hardly tell:


But you know what? I can tell. You know why? I have no more gray hairs. At 22, I think this is an accomplishment.

Exciting things:

1. I am going to see Stephen Hawking tonight.

2.  I am a letter away from being registered to vote in Cali, and in a few weeks I am taking the driving test so I can be a Cali driver’s license holder.

3.  This weekend I am going on girl’s retreat to Washington (state), and I’ll get to see my beloved Kiki. Who I miss like whoa.

4. I have recently started reading celebrity gossip. It makes me a little giddy. That’s good for stress. I know it.

5. I have been drinking more tea. Overall, this is a good day.