Chains required.

Last weekend we headed to Big Bear for our third annual ski trip. Chains were required to get up the mountain, which lead to a two hour trip taking more like four hours (maybe longer) and made our walkie talkies even more important to keep in contact. Once we were up the mountain, we had a great time – teaching Ana and Eric how to ski, eating tacos, tumbling down blue squares, singing, laughing, some of us heading to the hot tub….it was a trip to be remembered!

chrischristiejenjeff corellen dinner grouphouse grouplake inline jenjeffmountain jenniechristie jenniecor jumpinglake ryansoup soup

Thanks to Jeff, as always, for most of the photos, and more can be found here!



So bright, she can burn your eyes

A few things to report, chickens.

1) I am currently on the hunt for a job. My most recent opportunity didn’t prove to be the right fit for me, so I am working on my next step and deciding where I want to go next!

2) As a result of 1, I have made several to-do lists, have made endless commitments in the next few weeks as I look for work, and have decided the following:

3) For Lent, instead of giving something up, I am going to exercise every day for the 40 days. Over the past few years, Lent has involved for me from a religious pastime to something I do for myself, a renewal different than New Year’s Resolutions, a time to reinforce what I decided on January 1. Last year, I gave up doing things I didn’t want to do, and I think it was a 40 day period that taught me a lot about who I am and what I stand for.

4) We finished the cleanse, by the way, on February 4. I am still not eating much processed food, which I think is the best lasting affect I could have asked for! It’s helped me focus on whole foods, and focus on the question: What am I really hungry for? (Downtime? Am I just thirsty? A walk? A break?)

5) I am loving Alicia Keys, Girl on Fire, as my motto for my life as it currently is.

On the first day of Lent, I went hiking with Liz, which was such a delight to catch up and be outside during the day. Yesterday I did yoga, and today I plan on either doing yoga or running (I have to get ready for my half-marathon in June, after all!)

Are you giving up anything for Lent?


We are citizens….It describes the way we’re made.

President Obama delivered his annual State of the Union address this week, and I am a little behind to the party. I watched it yesterday morning, and cried no less than four times.

I hope you find a chance to watch it; how many of us find time to watch endless hours of TV, but don’t find 60 minutes to spend watching the President address our country and fill us in on his plans? Even if you don’t agree with him, you should be educated in what’s happening in Washington, so you can participate in our democracy.

I am so proud to call this President mine, someone I elected twice. His words on how to get jobs into the US, how to help immigrants achieve their dreams, and his dedication to this Earth (and realizing global warming is real) was amazing.

One of his quotes has really stuck with me:

But we were never sent here to be perfect. We were sent here to make what difference we can — to secure this nation, expand opportunity, uphold our ideals through the hard, often frustrating, but absolutely necessary work of self-government.

We were sent here to look out for our fellow Americans the same way they look out for one another, every single day, usually without fanfare, all across this country. We should follow their example.

– President Barack Obama, SOTU 2013, February 12, 2013

Here is the full video!

We can get this done, America.



if i ain’t got you

Today is my sister’s 29th birthday. I feel like two minutes ago we were small, and she was pulling antics like this:


But now she’s all grown up! My sister and I went through times good and bad, great and terrible, but we’re pretty much best friends now. (Right, Nik?) When were little, we shared a room, and though I hated it at the time, I am pretty sure it prepared me for college, for agreeing to things, and also, how to be bossed around (which is pretty important to learn!)


Here we are on the first day of school, with our punk bro, Mikie (Hi, Mikie!) He was also around to gang up on me with Nikki, or to follow us around as we played everything from Fairyland to dog (you can guess who had to go in the dog house!)

nikki3I include this photo as evidence that Nikki is still the boss of me (this photo is from the summer of 2011…and I am sure a similar one could be found of the last time I saw her.)

Anyways, Happy Birthday, sorella. I am glad that you are my one and only sister, my twin (only blond and blue eyed and short) and that we get to hang out every once in a while and do yoga and eat Jax and generally entertain ourselves.

I love you!