2012: I confess, you are the best thing in my life.

I posted a longer album on FB, but for those of you who do not follow me there, enjoy the year in review in pictures!

xo – J

#30dayspositive: the final edition

8/14: Shark Week on a plane.

8/15: SS makes me snacking cake.

8/16: we take several hours to laugh and snuggle and look up at the sky.

8/17: we celebrate K and T’s engagement. We eat s’mores.

8/18: we see M. We celebrate her restaurant, and creativity. We eat, eat, eat.

8/19: Obamacare saves us money.

8/20: I witness turmoil on a plane. Everyone keeps calm, stays collected. I am thankful.

8/21: I do laundry for team J + J.

8/22: I appreciate the small stuff.

8/23: I get coconut oil in the mail. rejoice!

8/24: I enjoy the little things in life, like arcade games.

8/25: I learn how to roast coffee with Becca.

8/26: I enjoy a Sunday at the beach with these kids.

8/27: I go on a coffee tour of LA.

8/28: I make dinner for 80 homeless men and women in Los Angeles.

8/29: I sit quietly and enjoy a night with Jeff.

8/30: We root for the Red Sox.

8/31: We sit quietly again, because on 9/1, we run a 5k.

she’s an uptown, get-around anything goes girl.

5gts, Matchbox Twenty new-album style.

1. North comes out on September 4. Pre-ordered.

2. Pie contest plans in the works. Lemon-chocolate pie, here I come.

3. Fed 80 homeless men and women last night at a dinner sponsored by work. My job is pretty awesome, and partnering with PATH was cool, too. We planned the menu, cooked, and served, and it was a great feeling to know that we were helping!

4. 5k on Saturday morning. Practice 5k two minutes faster than my previous 5k. Here’s to bigger, better races.

5. Beach Day on Monday. Summer may be coming to a close, but we’re not going down without a fight.


One of my yoga teachers, who I am sure I’ve talked about before, is doing this thing called 30 Days Positive. You can learn about it here, but it’s basically about losing the negativity and finding positivity in each and every day. Here’s my first eight days.

8/2/2012 – day one: went to Shark Week 25th Anniversary party. Ate a cupcake.

8/3/2012 – day two: found this of nikki and me…guess I have to update this one!

8/4/2012 – day three: beach day for myself, including crosswords and MVY Radio.

8/5/2012 – day four: gluten free blueberry pie.

8/6/2012 – day five: Yesterday I lost my keys, forgot to put butter in my pie, and got a piece of plastic stuck in garbage disposal. Jeff got the plastic out, the pie was delicious, and the Farmer’s Market called to tell me they have my keys. #30dayspositive. Win.

8/7/2012 – day six: laundry = done.

8/8/2012 – day seven: taking time to feed Jeff and I right.

8/9/2012 – day eight: second night of homemade meals, this time, Summer Vegetable Pasta with goat cheese. 

if nothing else, i am myself/it’s all i have to give

This is the view from the beach last weekend. There is sand in every bag that’s been in my car in the past two weeks. There is probably sand in my bed, on my floors, in the cracks of tiles in my kitchen. And I love it.

This is the iced coffee I’ve been sipping for the past three weeks. This week we’ve had no marine layer, no June Gloom, just sun as far as you can see until eight forty five each night.

This is the wrap I got from Cafe Gratitude this week. It was called, “I AM HAPPY” and I was and I am. Becca said it was the best food she’d ever had, and I must say between the company and the food and the warmth of the restaurant, it was definitely on top of my list.

This is a list of the vegetables currently in my house. I love summer, I love stone fruit season, I love avocados that are five for two dollars, and I love the farmer’s market.

This CD. On repeat. You’d better watch it, I think that girl’s insane…