Friday nights are for walking steps in your living room catching up on Parenthood until you reach 10,000 steps so you can eat an enchilada and binge watch Law & Order: SVU.
Friday nights are for attempting tripod yoga and pull ups and forearm balance and for Pinteresting yoga poses that you want to attempt someday, someday maybe.
Friday nights are for finding new recipes to try at home, for having two squares of dark chocolate just because, and for catching up on a swath of food blogs that I don’t normally have a chance to read.
Friday nights are for avoiding crickets that are crawling around in your apartment and then learning the consequences of that (as I type this I hear the cricket creaking in my kitchen faster and faster as though it was 100 degrees out.)
Friday nights are for promise. The promise of coffee in the morning. The promise of a wide-eyed weekend of cooking, and meeting new people.
Friday nights are for hope. Friday nights are everything wonderful about life.