live life at the bottom of the sea.

Mom and Dad came to visit. We toured LA as tourists and as seasoned vets of the city; we wine tasted, hiked, saw the Hollywood sign, sat by the pool, drank jalapeno cocktails, went to the ocean, walked the Santa Monica Pier, smiled in front of the Rose Bowl, played soccer, and laughed, laughed, laughed. My parents are the coolest.









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Thanks to Jeff for snapping so many great photos! There are more here. I can’t wait for them to come back! Thanks Mom and Dad, for such a lovely trip!


it’s like who am I and why am I here?

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope that the holidays have been good for you, healthy, full of food, and fun, and family, and friends!

Yesterday, Jeff and I celebrated our 6 Year Anniversary after enjoying First Night in Boston, watching fireworks over the wharf!

Then we bundled up and headed to the airport to head back to Los Angeles after a whirlwind weekend traveling from New Hampshire to New Jersey and back, with a stop in Boston for good measure. We saw most of Jeff’s family and K and T, too, which was a delight! Now we’re back in above-freezing temperatures, ready to tackle 2013 with gusto!

Keeping with tradition, I came up with a few goals this year to follow as life becomes busier (read: wedding planning) and more fun (read: married!) Most of my goals over the years have morphed into mantras: do the best with what you have. relax. breathe. love. do less, do less better.

So far this year, we’re headed to ski in February, my parents are coming to visit, Jeff is running a marathon, we are running a half-marathon together in June, and scattered throughout this year are endless weddings and celebrations of all kinds. I can already feel in my bones that this is going to be a good one.

So, with that in mind, here’s what I have for you as my wishes for 2013:

read more
eat better
be healthy
pay attention to your surroundings
write it down
love, and be loved.

Hope you’ve got big plans for 2013, loves.

baby you’re the only light i ever saw

Can I tell you something that I’ve been excited about but haven’t been able to quantify just yet?

You guys, Corelyn is moving back to Los Angeles. Tomorrow.

I know, I know, I haven’t been bursting with joy, putting it all over this blog and GMS and blowing up Facebook, because it hasn’t felt real.

But on Friday night, as I double boiled chocolate at 12:36 am, it all came back: Corelyn is moving here. Now. Tomorrow.

So, about a year and a half ago, I left this pretty face in an airport in Tennessee, trying not to be dramatic and cry. I saw her again in November for our favorite holiday, and once this past spring in VA. And soon, again, I will get to see this pretty face all of the time.

I cannot wait for more smiles like this one, more hiking and frolicking and eating and sunny sunny days. It reminds me of that time a Ms. Megan left and returned. Because LA draws ’em back. Back to the sunshine, the family, the light, the surf, and the mountains.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t so excited I could jump up and down for an hour and still not stop. I can’t wait until we spend afternoons at the farmer’s market, cooking delicious food, watching television, talking about nothing, walking the city streets, drinking copious amounts of coffee, and just generally being Jennie + Corelyn and the world. Sound like a sappy love story? Well, it mostly is.

Welcome Back, missy. We’ve missed you.


#30dayspositive: the final edition

8/14: Shark Week on a plane.

8/15: SS makes me snacking cake.

8/16: we take several hours to laugh and snuggle and look up at the sky.

8/17: we celebrate K and T’s engagement. We eat s’mores.

8/18: we see M. We celebrate her restaurant, and creativity. We eat, eat, eat.

8/19: Obamacare saves us money.

8/20: I witness turmoil on a plane. Everyone keeps calm, stays collected. I am thankful.

8/21: I do laundry for team J + J.

8/22: I appreciate the small stuff.

8/23: I get coconut oil in the mail. rejoice!

8/24: I enjoy the little things in life, like arcade games.

8/25: I learn how to roast coffee with Becca.

8/26: I enjoy a Sunday at the beach with these kids.

8/27: I go on a coffee tour of LA.

8/28: I make dinner for 80 homeless men and women in Los Angeles.

8/29: I sit quietly and enjoy a night with Jeff.

8/30: We root for the Red Sox.

8/31: We sit quietly again, because on 9/1, we run a 5k.

i know the song i’m singing is not your favorite kind

Rolling into Tuesday means rolling into a false-Friday; an early close and a day off to celebrate the fourth of the July.

I have several random things and thoughts that I figured I’d share.

1. This article is Mainly because a) I fall into the busy trap and b) I also think that if I wrote 4-5 hours a day, that would be enough of my contribution to the world. Obviously not everyone can live that life, but I say why not strive?

2. In an effort to simmer it down, tonight I had a no-cook dinner (I put together a salad) after forty five minutes of serious yoga, and nearly caught up on my Bunheads. The show was created by Amy Sherman-Palladino, who also created Gilmore Girls. So far, Kelly Bishop has wooed me, as has Sutton Foster, and I can’t wait to see what’s coming up.

3. Jeff, Ellen, and I are running this 5k in September. Our eight week training starts next week, and since I haven’t run really this year, we’re starting from scratch. Wish us luck.

4. We got a new Ork poster, and now have three in our house (one of Michigan, too!)

5.  Today is my parent’s 29th wedding anniversary (happy day, mom + dad!) Here is the video we made for their 25th Anniversary.

Mom and Dad’s 25 Wedding Anniversary Video from Jennie Palluzzi on Vimeo.

Up this week: 4th of July spiral hot dogs, friends, pools, polenta, maybe a cake or two.

What are you up to for the fourth?